
每月活跃用户基地shortform应用在印度准备联系650 mn 2025: RedSeer

报告指出,shortform创造者基地已经2 x和现在降价。这些创造者多半来自较小的城镇和城市。


新德里:“Shortform”应用领域——包括平台杰克,Moj和Roposo——预计月度活跃用户群增长超过2 x到2025年将达到约6.5亿用户,研究公司RedSeer周四表示。根据RedSeer的报告题为“数字娱乐和广告:骑波”,在印度shortform空间将是第二大片段的时间花在互联网猛犸像Facebook和后一年谷歌


”段的月度活跃用户预计将增长超过2 x达到约6.5亿用户通过CY25孵蛋的电视后的第二位。这将会显著增长在很大程度上是由新的3亿互联网用户将被添加到2025年,“这补充道。

报告指出,shortform创造者基地已经2 x和现在降价。这些创造者多半来自较小的城镇和城市。






Illustration: Rahul Awasthi. <\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>
New Delhi: 'Shortform' apps segment - which includes platforms like Reels<\/a>, Josh, Moj<\/a>, and Roposo - is expected to see its monthly active user base to grow more than 2x to reach about 650 million users by 2025, research firm RedSeer<\/a> said on Thursday. According to RedSeer's report titled 'Entertainment and Advertising: Riding the Digital Wave', the shortform space in India is set to be the second biggest segment in terms of time spent in one year after Internet mammoths like Facebook and Google<\/a>.

This growth is expected to be driven by a number of factors.

\"The monthly active users of the segment are expected to grow more than 2x to reach about 650 million users by CY25 clocking the second spot after television. This significant growth is largely expected to be driven by the new 300 million Internet users that will be added by 2025,\" it added.