



比赛,关注“女性改变印度”的主题,邀请女性的故事改变了社会和文化领域,环境和经济。“这是另一个一步意识到政府的目的是创建一个更具包容性的社会和承认妇女的贡献。从“Beti儿童,Beti Padhao”来鼓励妇女议员在议会说,总理一贯鼓励女性发挥更大作用。My-Gov,我们过去也得到了很好的响应主题与女性赋权,”MyGov.in的首席执行官Gaurav德维威迪说。

比赛的获胜者,直到3月31日将由陪审团决定由镍钛Aayog和获胜者也可能有机会直接与政府决策者进行交互。联合国妇女大使和网球明星的国度-例如Sania Mirza推特的比赛,鼓励妇女参加。印度的“分享你的故事# WomenTransform # w / @NITIAayog !”她说。

包容性和性别多样性问题由首相莫迪特别关注在他的任期内。除了介绍成功的Beti儿童,Beti Padhao”活动,促进教育的女孩孩子,PM说只有女性国会议员在议会应该说在3月8日国际妇女节。



总理的曼Ki Baat”广播节目,而且预算2016 - 17包括公民通过门户的建议。

NEW DELHI: The government\u2019s crowdsourcing platform MyGov<\/a>.in has launched a contest in partnership with NITI Aayog<\/a> and the United Nations<\/a> in India to recognise women who have contributed to the betterment of society and challenged stereotypes in different fields.

The contest, focused on the theme of \u2018Women Transforming India\u2019, is inviting stories of women who have made a difference in the social and cultural fields, environment and economics. \"This is another step towards realising the government\u2019s aim of creating a more inclusive society and recognising the contribution of women. From \u2018Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao\u2019 to encouraging women MPs to speak in Parliament, the Prime Minister has always encouraged a greater role for women. On My-Gov, we have in the past also received great response for subjects related to women empowerment,\" said Gaurav Dwivedi, chief executive of MyGov.in.

The winner of the contest, which is on until March 31, will be decided by a jury constituted by NITI Aayog and the winners may also have a chance to interact directly with the policy-makers in the government. UN Women ambassador and tennis star
Sania Mirza<\/a> tweeted about the contest, encouraging women to participate. \"Share your stories of how #WomenTransform #India w\/ @NITIAayog!\" she said.