MUMBAI | NEW DELHI: As the $155-billion IT industry<\/a> tries to reinvent itself through automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machi ne learning, its traditional appetite for jobs<\/a> is decreasing by the day .Industry body Nasscom<\/a> said in its annual review that while the industry grew at 8.6%, jobs grew only by 5% in the fiscal year 2016-17. Nasscom also said that there is going to be a 20-25% reduction in jobs over the next three years.
\nIndustry executives and experts said that the gap between the revenue growth and job growth will only increase given the commoditised nature of the IT services.
\nMalcolm Frank, chief strategy officer of Cognizant said that Oxford University got everybody nervous when they said that 47% of all jobs will go away by 2025. “In the next 10 years, we don't think there will not be a white-collar job that will not be touched by artificial intelligence. In our estimate, around 12% of the jobs will go away due to the bot and automation.“ He added that the remaining three-quarters of the jobs will have to adopt bots as a tool.“But, it's going to be all okay. There will be 13% of net new jobs which will emerge which we don't know about,“ said Frank.
Executives said that while the situation is being touted as all gloom and doom, there are a variety of new skills such as data scientists which are required and reskilling of
people<\/a> at all levels will be the key focus area in the coming years.
Keshav Murugesh, CEO of WNS Global Services said that changing trends in the
technology<\/a> is a way of life and the industry can't complain about it. “ As robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence get more deeply incorporated into the business models, the revenue will grow faster than the headcount,“ he said. Murugesh added that, however, since there is still a lot of untapped potential for the industry , the higher growth rates in the future will mean increase in job additions too. “The industry has to itself figure out the skilling part.The best way is to identify the technologies of the future and work towards developing those skills,“ he said.
Over the past year, while
Infosys<\/a> has “released“ 8,000-9,000 employees because of automation of lower end jobs to work on more advanced projects, Wipro<\/a> has an automation platform called Holmes which has led to around 3,200 people being released to do more innovative work.
\nRatna Gupta, director technology vertical at ABC Consultants, said that till 2020, low-skilled and routine jobs in the space like tes ting, system admini stration, infrastructure administration, opera tions, BPOs are likely to be hit. “Economists are already worrying about “job polarisation“, where middle skill jobs (such as those in manufacturing) are declining but both low skill and high-skill jobs are expanding.“
\nCompanies are resorting to training employees in machine learning and the use of artificial intelligence either in-house or through tie-ups with different colleges and universities. Siddharth Sangwan, executive search leader at Korn Ferry Futurestep, said that organisations are being nimble about the roles getting created and becoming redundant. “This is making for a very frugal workforce, one which has the ability to be more broad-based in their skill sets,“ he said.
\nDespite the worrying trends, it has been noted in the past that technology has created more jobs than it destroys. That is because of the way automation works in practice, explains David Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .\n\n<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":57247557,"title":"Six held for duping customers by selling Reliance Jio SIM cards","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/six-held-for-duping-customers-by-selling-reliance-jio-sim-cards\/57247557","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":57247603,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Nasscom sees 20-25% less IT jobs in the next three years","synopsis":"Industry executives and experts said that the gap between the revenue growth and job growth will only increase given the commoditised nature of the IT services.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/nasscom-sees-20-25-less-it-jobs-in-the-next-three-years","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Surabhi Agarwal","author_link":"\/author\/479241991\/surabhi-agarwal","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479241991.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479241991,"author_name":"Surabhi Agarwal","author_seo_name":"surabhi-agarwal","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_link":"\/author\/479236850\/prachi-verma","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479236850.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479236850,"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_seo_name":"prachi-verma","designation":"Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2017-02-20 12:29:01","lastupd":"2017-02-20 12:30:48","breadcrumbTags":["Infosys","Wipro","IT Industry","Nasscom","Enterprise IT","Jobs","people","technology"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/nasscom-sees-20-25-less-it-jobs-in-the-next-three-years"}}" data-authors="[" surabhi agarwal","prachi verma"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2017-02-20" data-index="article_1">

Nasscom看到少20 - 25%,在未来三年的工作


Surabhi阿加瓦尔 布勒Verma
  • 更新于2017年2月20日下午12:30坚持

孟买|新德里:1550亿美元IT行业试图通过自动化改造自己,人工智能(AI)和麻吉不学习,其传统的胃口工作由天.Industry减少身体吗行业协会年度评估报告中说,尽管该行业增长了8.6%,就业增长率只有5%在2016财政年度- 17所示。行业协会还表示,将有20 - 25%减少未来三年的工作。




白鼻综合症的首席执行官Keshav Murugesh全球服务说的变化趋势技术是一种生活方式和产业不能抱怨。机器人,机器学习,人工智能得到更深入地纳入商业模式,比员工收入将增长得更快,”他说。Murugesh补充说,然而,因为还有很多未开发的潜力产业,未来更高的增长率将意味着就业岗位有所增加,但增加了。“这个行业本身找出斯奇林的部分。最好的方法是确定未来的技术和努力发展这些技能,”他说。

在过去的一年里,印孚瑟斯“发布”8000 - 9000员工,因为低端的自动化工作在更高级的项目工作,Wipro有一个名为福尔摩斯的自动化平台导致大约3200人被释放更多的创新工作。

Ratna Gupta, ABC技术垂直主管顾问,说,到2020年,低技术和常规工作空间像ting,系统高级stration、基础设施管理、歌剧,业务流程外包可能会受到打击。工作分化“经济学家已经担心,中产技能岗位(如制造业)正在下降但低技能和高技能的工作扩大。”

公司采取了培训员工在机器学习和人工智能的使用内部或通过不同的学院和大学的合作。哈斯从,猎头在Korn Ferry Futurestep领袖说,组织被灵活的角色被创建并成为多余的。“这是一个非常节俭的劳动力,使一个有能力更广泛的技能,”他说。


  • 发布于2017年2月20日,29点坚持

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MUMBAI | NEW DELHI: As the $155-billion IT industry<\/a> tries to reinvent itself through automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machi ne learning, its traditional appetite for jobs<\/a> is decreasing by the day .Industry body Nasscom<\/a> said in its annual review that while the industry grew at 8.6%, jobs grew only by 5% in the fiscal year 2016-17. Nasscom also said that there is going to be a 20-25% reduction in jobs over the next three years.
\nIndustry executives and experts said that the gap between the revenue growth and job growth will only increase given the commoditised nature of the IT services.
\nMalcolm Frank, chief strategy officer of Cognizant said that Oxford University got everybody nervous when they said that 47% of all jobs will go away by 2025. “In the next 10 years, we don't think there will not be a white-collar job that will not be touched by artificial intelligence. In our estimate, around 12% of the jobs will go away due to the bot and automation.“ He added that the remaining three-quarters of the jobs will have to adopt bots as a tool.“But, it's going to be all okay. There will be 13% of net new jobs which will emerge which we don't know about,“ said Frank.
Executives said that while the situation is being touted as all gloom and doom, there are a variety of new skills such as data scientists which are required and reskilling of
people<\/a> at all levels will be the key focus area in the coming years.
Keshav Murugesh, CEO of WNS Global Services said that changing trends in the
technology<\/a> is a way of life and the industry can't complain about it. “ As robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence get more deeply incorporated into the business models, the revenue will grow faster than the headcount,“ he said. Murugesh added that, however, since there is still a lot of untapped potential for the industry , the higher growth rates in the future will mean increase in job additions too. “The industry has to itself figure out the skilling part.The best way is to identify the technologies of the future and work towards developing those skills,“ he said.
Over the past year, while
Infosys<\/a> has “released“ 8,000-9,000 employees because of automation of lower end jobs to work on more advanced projects, Wipro<\/a> has an automation platform called Holmes which has led to around 3,200 people being released to do more innovative work.
\nRatna Gupta, director technology vertical at ABC Consultants, said that till 2020, low-skilled and routine jobs in the space like tes ting, system admini stration, infrastructure administration, opera tions, BPOs are likely to be hit. “Economists are already worrying about “job polarisation“, where middle skill jobs (such as those in manufacturing) are declining but both low skill and high-skill jobs are expanding.“
\nCompanies are resorting to training employees in machine learning and the use of artificial intelligence either in-house or through tie-ups with different colleges and universities. Siddharth Sangwan, executive search leader at Korn Ferry Futurestep, said that organisations are being nimble about the roles getting created and becoming redundant. “This is making for a very frugal workforce, one which has the ability to be more broad-based in their skill sets,“ he said.
\nDespite the worrying trends, it has been noted in the past that technology has created more jobs than it destroys. That is because of the way automation works in practice, explains David Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .\n\n<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":57247557,"title":"Six held for duping customers by selling Reliance Jio SIM cards","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/six-held-for-duping-customers-by-selling-reliance-jio-sim-cards\/57247557","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":57247603,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Nasscom sees 20-25% less IT jobs in the next three years","synopsis":"Industry executives and experts said that the gap between the revenue growth and job growth will only increase given the commoditised nature of the IT services.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/nasscom-sees-20-25-less-it-jobs-in-the-next-three-years","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Surabhi Agarwal","author_link":"\/author\/479241991\/surabhi-agarwal","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479241991.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479241991,"author_name":"Surabhi Agarwal","author_seo_name":"surabhi-agarwal","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_link":"\/author\/479236850\/prachi-verma","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479236850.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479236850,"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_seo_name":"prachi-verma","designation":"Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2017-02-20 12:29:01","lastupd":"2017-02-20 12:30:48","breadcrumbTags":["Infosys","Wipro","IT Industry","Nasscom","Enterprise IT","Jobs","people","technology"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/nasscom-sees-20-25-less-it-jobs-in-the-next-three-years"}}" data-news_link="//">