
Nasscom看好软件出口,不会修改投影10 - 12%的增长


Nasscom看好软件出口,不会修改投影10 - 12%的增长新德里:印度软件出口行业机构国家软件和服务公司协会(行业协会)周三表示,尽管当前的经济环境下,它认为没有必要重新考虑增长预测软件出口的10 - 12%。

“有很多的全球经济动荡……我们提到了一些短期Brexit对该行业的影响,但没有必要重新审视(增长投影),”说R Chandrashekhar行业协会主席。然而,他说,该协会是密切关注英国退出欧盟等因素及其连锁反应对技术服务的需求。





\"NasscomNEW DELHI: The Indian software exports industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom<\/a>) on Wednesday said in spite of the current economic environment, it sees no need to revisit its growth<\/a> forecast of 10-12% in software exports.

\"There\u2019s a lot of turbulence in global economy... We did mention some short term impact of Brexit on the industry, but there is no need to revisit it (growth projection),\" said
R Chandrashekhar<\/a>, president Nasscom. He did, however, say that Nasscom was keeping a close watch on factors such as Britain's exit from the EU and its ripple effect on demand for technology services.

Nasscom had said in June that UK\u2019s decision to exit the European Union through a referendum will have an immediate impact in the short term due to the uncertainty in the environment.