AHMEDABAD: While Metaverse<\/a>, the ambitious project by Meta, is still in its nascent stage, the growing interest in its application in marketing and consumer behaviour has prompted MICA<\/a> to establish a first-of-its-kind lab equipped with production tools and virtual reality (VR) glasses for consumer research.

The initial projects taken up by the lab include 3D mapping and travel app development for tourism in India, and research on how startups can be leveraged through the tech.

Githa Heggde<\/a>, the dean of MICA, said that the Metaverse lab at the institute will be called MICAverse<\/a>. \"It will carry out academic research and publish high-quality research papers in the domain of Metaverse. The lab will collaborate with industry\/metaverse startups which can conduct consumer research to develop a deeper understanding of how metaverse influences consumer decision-making and thus business itself in the ever-disruptive ecosystem,\" she said.

Suresh Malodia, assistant professor at MICA, who is leading the project, said that several universities including
University of Norway<\/a> and Nottingham-Trent University have initiated research in Metaverse vis-a-vis marketing and consumer research. \"While a few of the universities in India are looking at the technical aspects of this virtual world, we are taking a lead when it comes to understanding the consumer experience in the Indian context,\" he said.

UT Rao, an associate professor at MICA, said that they are hosting an event soon, and will be inviting startups working in the field of augmented reality, virtual reality (AR\/ VR) and Metaverse.

\"Today, several applications of the Metaverse are being explored globally including education, medicine, tourism and social networking. Along with technology such as blockchain,
NFT<\/a> and cryptocurrency, it may change the way we look at and interact in virtual space,\" he said. Prof Malodia<\/a> said that the arrival of the 5G network is only going to boost AR and VR applications. \"But apart from that, we will also need high performance computing devices, easy-to-use-and-wear glasses, development of virtualization tools and spatial computing, and a wide range of Metaverse services such as marketplaces and payment systems, etc. ,\" he said.

<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":97238189,"title":"Pre-budget sector watch: Telecom","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/pre-budget-sector-watch-telecom\/97238189","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"97238164","title":"Untitled design (23)","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"city\/ahmedabad\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse\/untitled-design-23","category_name":"Now, a lab for consumer research in Metaverse","synopsis":"The initial projects taken up by the lab include 3D mapping and travel app development for tourism in India, and research on how startups can be leveraged through the tech.","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-667038\/97238164.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/city\/ahmedabad\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse\/untitled-design-23\/97238164"}],"msid":97238245,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Now, a lab for consumer research in Metaverse","synopsis":"While Metaverse, the ambitious project by Meta, is still in its nascent stage, the growing interest in its application in marketing and consumer behaviour has prompted MICA to establish a first-of-its-kind lab equipped with production tools and virtual reality (VR) glasses for consumer research.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Parth Shastri","author_link":"\/author\/479180276\/parth-shastri","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479180276.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479180276,"author_name":"Parth Shastri","author_seo_name":"Parth-Shastri","designation":"Senior Correspondent","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":114,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":570000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TNN","artdate":"2023-01-23 07:41:07","lastupd":"2023-01-23 07:41:27","breadcrumbTags":["metaverse","prof malodia","micaverse","university of norway","nft","githa heggde","mica","Internet"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse"}}" data-authors="[" parth shastri"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2023-01-23" data-index="article_1">



Parth Shastri
  • 更新2023年1月23日07:41点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士


最初的项目由实验室包括3 d地图和旅行应用程序开发旅游在印度,和研究如何通过科技创业公司可以利用。

Githa Heggde云母院长表示,Metaverse实验室研究所将调用MICAverse。“这将开展学术研究和发表高质量的科研论文Metaverse的域。实验室将与行业合作/ metaverse初创公司可以进行消费者研究开发更深入地理解metaverse如何影响消费者决策,因此企业ever-disruptive生态系统本身,”她说。

Suresh Malodia云母助理教授,他领导这个项目,说等几所大学挪威大学诺丁汉·伦特大学启动了研究Metaverse相对于市场营销和消费者研究。”,而在印度的一些大学正在看这个虚拟世界的技术方面,我们正在采取领先时理解用户体验在印度的情况下,”他说。

副教授云母UT Rao说,很快他们举办一个事件,并将邀请公司在增强现实领域,虚拟现实(AR / VR)和Metaverse。

“今天,全球Metaverse正在探索的几个应用程序包括教育、医药、旅游、社交网络。随着技术如区块链,非功能性测试cryptocurrency,它可能改变我们观察和交互的方式在虚拟空间,”他说。Malodia教授说,5 g网络的到来只会促进基于“增大化现实”技术和虚拟现实的应用程序。“但除此之外,我们还需要高性能计算设备,easy-to-use-and-wear眼镜,虚拟化工具和空间计算的发展,和广泛的Metaverse市场和支付等服务系统,等等,”他说。


  • 发表在2023年1月23日07:41点坚持

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AHMEDABAD: While Metaverse<\/a>, the ambitious project by Meta, is still in its nascent stage, the growing interest in its application in marketing and consumer behaviour has prompted MICA<\/a> to establish a first-of-its-kind lab equipped with production tools and virtual reality (VR) glasses for consumer research.

The initial projects taken up by the lab include 3D mapping and travel app development for tourism in India, and research on how startups can be leveraged through the tech.

Githa Heggde<\/a>, the dean of MICA, said that the Metaverse lab at the institute will be called MICAverse<\/a>. \"It will carry out academic research and publish high-quality research papers in the domain of Metaverse. The lab will collaborate with industry\/metaverse startups which can conduct consumer research to develop a deeper understanding of how metaverse influences consumer decision-making and thus business itself in the ever-disruptive ecosystem,\" she said.

Suresh Malodia, assistant professor at MICA, who is leading the project, said that several universities including
University of Norway<\/a> and Nottingham-Trent University have initiated research in Metaverse vis-a-vis marketing and consumer research. \"While a few of the universities in India are looking at the technical aspects of this virtual world, we are taking a lead when it comes to understanding the consumer experience in the Indian context,\" he said.

UT Rao, an associate professor at MICA, said that they are hosting an event soon, and will be inviting startups working in the field of augmented reality, virtual reality (AR\/ VR) and Metaverse.

\"Today, several applications of the Metaverse are being explored globally including education, medicine, tourism and social networking. Along with technology such as blockchain,
NFT<\/a> and cryptocurrency, it may change the way we look at and interact in virtual space,\" he said. Prof Malodia<\/a> said that the arrival of the 5G network is only going to boost AR and VR applications. \"But apart from that, we will also need high performance computing devices, easy-to-use-and-wear glasses, development of virtualization tools and spatial computing, and a wide range of Metaverse services such as marketplaces and payment systems, etc. ,\" he said.

<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":97238189,"title":"Pre-budget sector watch: Telecom","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/pre-budget-sector-watch-telecom\/97238189","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"97238164","title":"Untitled design (23)","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"city\/ahmedabad\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse\/untitled-design-23","category_name":"Now, a lab for consumer research in Metaverse","synopsis":"The initial projects taken up by the lab include 3D mapping and travel app development for tourism in India, and research on how startups can be leveraged through the tech.","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-667038\/97238164.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/city\/ahmedabad\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse\/untitled-design-23\/97238164"}],"msid":97238245,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Now, a lab for consumer research in Metaverse","synopsis":"While Metaverse, the ambitious project by Meta, is still in its nascent stage, the growing interest in its application in marketing and consumer behaviour has prompted MICA to establish a first-of-its-kind lab equipped with production tools and virtual reality (VR) glasses for consumer research.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Parth Shastri","author_link":"\/author\/479180276\/parth-shastri","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479180276.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479180276,"author_name":"Parth Shastri","author_seo_name":"Parth-Shastri","designation":"Senior Correspondent","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":114,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":570000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TNN","artdate":"2023-01-23 07:41:07","lastupd":"2023-01-23 07:41:27","breadcrumbTags":["metaverse","prof malodia","micaverse","university of norway","nft","githa heggde","mica","Internet"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/now-a-lab-for-consumer-research-in-metaverse/97238245">