NEW DELHI: In an interview with ET Now, Vikas Agarwal<\/a>, OnePlus India<\/strong>, gives his views on the announcements made by Mukesh Ambani<\/a> in the RIL<\/a> AGM. Edited excerpts: <\/em>
\nWhat is the impact you see of this almost free phone or effectively free phone on the handset market in India and does this translate into
RelIANCE Jio<\/a> getting a better share?<\/strong>
\nVikas Agarwal:<\/strong> It is indeed a very disruptive announcement and what
Jio<\/a> has done today is something that should have happened earlier ,but better late than never. I think overall it is definitely positive for the telecom industry<\/a> as more people start using the Internet first through a feature phone and then they can eventually upgrade to the smart phone. Overall I think digitisation is the future and whole economy will benefit as more people will connect to the Internet. Personally I see Jio as probably the youngest startup in the industry and it has already become the biggest success story. so I think overall it is going to be really positive for the whole telecom sector and smartphone industry as well.
\nIt has been a year since Rel Jio was launched. They had free tariff for a very long time which has been very controversial within the industry but what sort of an impact do you believe this free phone will have on Rel Jio’s own market share because this is a market that is increasingly veering towards three or four big guys, this is not a market that is now talking about 14 operators, it is a market that is getting cleaned up we are seeing big consolidation in Idea and Vodafone. I am just trying to ask you how does this really change fortunes for Rel Jio as far as the market share is concerned?<\/strong>
\nVikas Agarwal: <\/strong>I think the industry dynamics have changed and we have to start looking at telecom sector as a utility business wherein it is about scale if you draw parallel from the internet industry where software
companies<\/a> like Google<\/a> and Facebook<\/a> have created virtual monopoly. It will somehow similarly happen in the hardware or the telecom industry wherein some large players will have a disproportionate market share and a consolidation is bound to happen. The market cannot really strictly support so many telecom players in the industry.
\nThe fact that we are seeing a bundled service and a bundled handset of sorts, what sort of a cue do you believe operators other than Rel Jio will take say a
Bharti Airtel<\/a>, say an Idea that has dropped about 3-3.5% in trade right now? What sort of a cue should these operators be taking from what Rel Jio is doing because Reliance can afford and it has got deep pockets, financials are already under stress as far as the rest of the industry is concerned?<\/strong>
\nVikas Agarwal: <\/strong>I think the trend is very clear they have to re-evaluate on how they should approach the customer and the industry. The telecom sector is now witnessing the fundamental change and there is a convergence of telecom and the technology industry. I think the fundamental disruption and the new direction that Jio has brought in is they are seeing themselves as a technology company and not really a telecom brand. Their focus is on data and they want to converge and move towards services. If you see, every service that Jio is offering is directing a user to utilise their services which is the television, music, entertainment or anything that is offered with bundled service plan that Jio is offering. Now lot of these services are traditionally offered by the global brands like You Tube or other technology services so this is something that right now only global brand has and Jio has to somehow figure out a way to get into the mix and with this free bundled data plan they plan to, they expect users to start using Jio services so I think other telecom players also have to move into the services on data and not just on the telecom services.\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":59698353,"title":"Why tech giants like Google, Amazon are taking help from this startup","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/why-tech-giants-like-google-amazon-are-taking-help-from-this-startup\/59698353","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":59699651,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Other telecom players have to move into services on data and not just telecom services: Vikas Agarwal, OnePlus India","synopsis":"\"Every service that Jio is offering is directing a user to utilise their services which is the television, music, entertainment or anything that is offered with bundled service plan that Jio is offering,\" said Agarwal.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/other-telecom-players-have-to-move-into-services-on-data-and-not-just-telecom-services-vikas-agarwal-oneplus-india","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Now","artdate":"2017-07-21 16:36:35","lastupd":"2017-07-21 16:49:11","breadcrumbTags":["Vikas Agarwal","Reliance Jio","Jio","Companies","Mukesh Ambani","Google","Facebook","Airtel","industry","Bharti Airtel","RIL"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/other-telecom-players-have-to-move-into-services-on-data-and-not-just-telecom-services-vikas-agarwal-oneplus-india"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2017-07-21" data-index="article_1">

其他玩家进入电信服务的数据,而不仅仅是电信服务:Vikas Agarwal OnePlus印度


  • 更新于2017年7月21日下午04:49坚持



Rel Jio以来已经一年了。他们有免费的关税很长一段时间一直在业内非常有争议但什么样的影响你相信这个免费电话对Rel Jio自己的市场份额,因为这是一个市场,越来越朝着三个或四个大男人,这不是一个市场,现在谈论14运营商,这是一个市场正在清理我们看到大整合的想法和沃达丰(Vodafone)。我只是想问你如何真正改变命运的Rel Jio市场份额而言?


事实上我们看到各种各样的捆绑服务和绑定手机,什么样的提示你相信Rel Jio以外的运营商将说Bharti Airtel说,一个想法已经下降了3 - 3.5%的贸易吗?什么样的提示这些操作符应该从Rel Jio在做什么因为依赖可以和它有雄厚的财力,财务已经在压力下其他行业而言?

  • 发布于2017年7月21日下午04:36坚持

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NEW DELHI: In an interview with ET Now, Vikas Agarwal<\/a>, OnePlus India<\/strong>, gives his views on the announcements made by Mukesh Ambani<\/a> in the RIL<\/a> AGM. Edited excerpts: <\/em>
\nWhat is the impact you see of this almost free phone or effectively free phone on the handset market in India and does this translate into
RelIANCE Jio<\/a> getting a better share?<\/strong>
\nVikas Agarwal:<\/strong> It is indeed a very disruptive announcement and what
Jio<\/a> has done today is something that should have happened earlier ,but better late than never. I think overall it is definitely positive for the telecom industry<\/a> as more people start using the Internet first through a feature phone and then they can eventually upgrade to the smart phone. Overall I think digitisation is the future and whole economy will benefit as more people will connect to the Internet. Personally I see Jio as probably the youngest startup in the industry and it has already become the biggest success story. so I think overall it is going to be really positive for the whole telecom sector and smartphone industry as well.
\nIt has been a year since Rel Jio was launched. They had free tariff for a very long time which has been very controversial within the industry but what sort of an impact do you believe this free phone will have on Rel Jio’s own market share because this is a market that is increasingly veering towards three or four big guys, this is not a market that is now talking about 14 operators, it is a market that is getting cleaned up we are seeing big consolidation in Idea and Vodafone. I am just trying to ask you how does this really change fortunes for Rel Jio as far as the market share is concerned?<\/strong>
\nVikas Agarwal: <\/strong>I think the industry dynamics have changed and we have to start looking at telecom sector as a utility business wherein it is about scale if you draw parallel from the internet industry where software
companies<\/a> like Google<\/a> and Facebook<\/a> have created virtual monopoly. It will somehow similarly happen in the hardware or the telecom industry wherein some large players will have a disproportionate market share and a consolidation is bound to happen. The market cannot really strictly support so many telecom players in the industry.
\nThe fact that we are seeing a bundled service and a bundled handset of sorts, what sort of a cue do you believe operators other than Rel Jio will take say a
Bharti Airtel<\/a>, say an Idea that has dropped about 3-3.5% in trade right now? What sort of a cue should these operators be taking from what Rel Jio is doing because Reliance can afford and it has got deep pockets, financials are already under stress as far as the rest of the industry is concerned?<\/strong>
\nVikas Agarwal: <\/strong>I think the trend is very clear they have to re-evaluate on how they should approach the customer and the industry. The telecom sector is now witnessing the fundamental change and there is a convergence of telecom and the technology industry. I think the fundamental disruption and the new direction that Jio has brought in is they are seeing themselves as a technology company and not really a telecom brand. Their focus is on data and they want to converge and move towards services. If you see, every service that Jio is offering is directing a user to utilise their services which is the television, music, entertainment or anything that is offered with bundled service plan that Jio is offering. Now lot of these services are traditionally offered by the global brands like You Tube or other technology services so this is something that right now only global brand has and Jio has to somehow figure out a way to get into the mix and with this free bundled data plan they plan to, they expect users to start using Jio services so I think other telecom players also have to move into the services on data and not just on the telecom services.\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":59698353,"title":"Why tech giants like Google, Amazon are taking help from this startup","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/why-tech-giants-like-google-amazon-are-taking-help-from-this-startup\/59698353","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":59699651,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Other telecom players have to move into services on data and not just telecom services: Vikas Agarwal, OnePlus India","synopsis":"\"Every service that Jio is offering is directing a user to utilise their services which is the television, music, entertainment or anything that is offered with bundled service plan that Jio is offering,\" said Agarwal.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/other-telecom-players-have-to-move-into-services-on-data-and-not-just-telecom-services-vikas-agarwal-oneplus-india","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Now","artdate":"2017-07-21 16:36:35","lastupd":"2017-07-21 16:49:11","breadcrumbTags":["Vikas Agarwal","Reliance Jio","Jio","Companies","Mukesh Ambani","Google","Facebook","Airtel","industry","Bharti Airtel","RIL"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/other-telecom-players-have-to-move-into-services-on-data-and-not-just-telecom-services-vikas-agarwal-oneplus-india"}}" data-news_link="//">