
PayPal的Tanya Naik加入Pine Labs担任全渠道主管

Pine Labs为3700个城市的15万多家商家提供服务,有超过45万个商家接触点。

PayPal的Tanya Naik加入Pine Labs担任全渠道主管

Nitish就是为了Pine Labs总裁兼首席运营官说:“Naik在银行、合作伙伴和纯粹游戏方面的丰富经验fintech将在我们全渠道业务的启动和扩展中发挥关键作用,因为这是消费者和企业未来买卖的方式。在Pine Labs,我们在线下商家领域的领导地位为我们提供了一个独特的平台来扩展我们的服务套件,特别是在covid - 19极大地刺激了消费者在线上和线下同等程度的购物、发现和购买偏好的情况下。”

Pine Labs全渠道主管Tanya Naik表示:“在引领线下支付领域数十年之后,Pine Labs现在正准备在电子商务领域取得更大的胜利omnichannel支付,服务和支付后EMI。我很高兴能成为这段旅程的一部分,并期待着为公司的成功做出贡献。”

创立团队的一员贝宝在印度,Naik在银行和支付领域有超过10年的经验。她曾担任支付、印度和跨境市场总监,负责确保100多个市场的无缝跨贸易支付。在此之前,她曾在花旗银行印度分行担任印度解决方案销售、财政和贸易解决方案副总裁,在那里她曾从事交易银行业务,并处理企业和机构银行业务。她毕业于孟买西德纳姆商业与经济学院,毕业于XLRI Jamshedpur工商管理硕士。

如今,Pine Labs为3700个城市的15万多家商户提供服务,商户接触点超过45万个。该公司最近投资了东南亚领先的金融科技公司Fave。

\"PayPal's<\/figure>Merchant ecommerce platform Pine Labs<\/a> has appointed Tanya Naik<\/a> as the Head of Omnichannel.

Nitish Asthana<\/a>, President and COO, Pine Labs, said, \u201cNaik\u2019s wealth of experience in banking, partnerships and pure play fintech<\/a> will play a critical role in the launch and expansion of our omnichannel business, as this is the way consumers and businesses will buy and sell in the future. At Pine Labs, our leadership in offline merchant space provides us a unique platform to expand our suite of services, particularly when Covid19 has provided a major fillip to consumers\u2019 preferences to shop, discover and buy online and offline in equal measure.\u201d

Tanya Naik, Head of Omnichannel, Pine Labs, said, \u201cAfter spearheading the offline payments landscape for decades, Pine Labs is now poised for bigger wins in the world of
omnichannel payments<\/a>, services and Pay Later EMI. I am delighted to be a part of this journey and look forward to contributing to the company\u2019s success.\u201d