<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: An acute shortage of new smartphones<\/a> in the market, exacerbated by stalled customs clearances<\/a> of Chinese cargo, has caused a sharp uptick in demand for refurbished and pre-owned devices<\/a>, said industry executives and experts.

“We have been witnessing a sudden increase in demand for refurbished phones in the last two-three days,” said Nakul Kumar, chief operating officer of Cashify. “But fulfilment is becoming an issue since the supply is quickly drying up for us as well.\"

Kumar said there was a reduced flow of old devices for reselling in the market because users were taking longer to upgrade their phones.

Omni-channel reseller Yaantra, which sources components directly from China to refurbish old devices, said it was lucky to have an inventory to fulfil the requirement for 45-60 days.

Yaantra, Cashify, Olx and Xtracover had been witnessing a surge in demand in any case since 'unlock 1.0' was initiated, mainly because of supply shortages of new devices as factories were facing a manpower crunch.

“In the month gone by, we have sold two times the smartphones compared to what we sold in pre-Covid days, especially in the Rs 5,000-15,000 category,” said Yaantra CEO Jayant Jha.

Buy-and-sell marketplace Olx has seen demand bounce back to pre-Covid days since the beginning of this month. “On the demand side, there has been a 40% growth in buyers who are looking to buy pre-owned smartphones. On the supply side, we witnessed a 71% growth in listings in June versus May,” said Tarun Sinha, India head-horizontal business unit, Olx.

The Aforeserve Group, which owns re-commerce marketplace Xtracover.com, has seen a 3.5 times surge in demand in June compared to that in the pre-Covid months, said its CEO Soumitro Gupta. “If the trajectory continues to grow this way, we are expecting to do a business growth of 2.5 times by the end of this year,” he said.

According to Gupta, logistics and distribution are a bigger problem than supply of old devices.

The customs department initiated 100%
physical verification<\/a> of all shipments coming from China at ports and airports on Monday last week, leading to delays in the release of cargo.

Major smartphone brands such as Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, Realme and OnePlus, which source components and devices from China, are staring at zero inventory in warehouses and disruption in manufacturing, which was already running at 40% capacity, said industry experts.
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Himanshi Lohchab
  • 发表在2020年6月28日下午05:33坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士

“我们已经见证需求突然增加翻新手机在过去2 - 3天,“Nakul Kumar说,Cashify的首席运营官。“但实现成为一个问题,因为我们的供应正在迅速枯竭。”


Omni-channel分销商Yaantra,源组件直接从中国翻新旧设备,说这是幸运的拥有一个库存履行要求45 - 60天。

Yaantra Cashify, Olx和Xtracover见证需求激增以来在任何情况下开启1.0开始,主要是因为新设备的供应短缺,工厂面临着人力资源危机。

“一个月过去了,我们已经卖出了两次我们售出的智能手机相比pre-Covid天,尤其是在Rs 5000 - 15000类别,“Yaantra CEO Jayant Jha说。


Aforeserve集团拥有Xtracover.com re-commerce市场出现了需求激增3.5倍pre-Covid月相比,6月,其CEO越来越古普塔说。“如果轨迹继续增长,我们预计业务增长今年年底的2.5倍,”他说。



主要智能手机品牌,如小米、活体、同僚,Realme OnePlus,从中国采购组件和设备,盯着零库存在仓库和中断生产,这是已经达到了40%的容量,业内专家说。
  • 发表在2020年6月28日下午05:33坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: An acute shortage of new smartphones<\/a> in the market, exacerbated by stalled customs clearances<\/a> of Chinese cargo, has caused a sharp uptick in demand for refurbished and pre-owned devices<\/a>, said industry executives and experts.

“We have been witnessing a sudden increase in demand for refurbished phones in the last two-three days,” said Nakul Kumar, chief operating officer of Cashify. “But fulfilment is becoming an issue since the supply is quickly drying up for us as well.\"

Kumar said there was a reduced flow of old devices for reselling in the market because users were taking longer to upgrade their phones.

Omni-channel reseller Yaantra, which sources components directly from China to refurbish old devices, said it was lucky to have an inventory to fulfil the requirement for 45-60 days.

Yaantra, Cashify, Olx and Xtracover had been witnessing a surge in demand in any case since 'unlock 1.0' was initiated, mainly because of supply shortages of new devices as factories were facing a manpower crunch.

“In the month gone by, we have sold two times the smartphones compared to what we sold in pre-Covid days, especially in the Rs 5,000-15,000 category,” said Yaantra CEO Jayant Jha.

Buy-and-sell marketplace Olx has seen demand bounce back to pre-Covid days since the beginning of this month. “On the demand side, there has been a 40% growth in buyers who are looking to buy pre-owned smartphones. On the supply side, we witnessed a 71% growth in listings in June versus May,” said Tarun Sinha, India head-horizontal business unit, Olx.

The Aforeserve Group, which owns re-commerce marketplace Xtracover.com, has seen a 3.5 times surge in demand in June compared to that in the pre-Covid months, said its CEO Soumitro Gupta. “If the trajectory continues to grow this way, we are expecting to do a business growth of 2.5 times by the end of this year,” he said.

According to Gupta, logistics and distribution are a bigger problem than supply of old devices.

The customs department initiated 100%
physical verification<\/a> of all shipments coming from China at ports and airports on Monday last week, leading to delays in the release of cargo.

Major smartphone brands such as Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, Realme and OnePlus, which source components and devices from China, are staring at zero inventory in warehouses and disruption in manufacturing, which was already running at 40% capacity, said industry experts.
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