

随着人力资源经历一段过渡期,Nasscom发布了一份题为《在不断变化的世界中重新想象人力资源- 2015》的报告,重点介绍了未来几天最强劲的趋势和驱动力。


随着人力资源经历一段过渡期,Nasscom发布了一份题为《在不断变化的世界中重新想象人力资源- 2015》的报告,重点介绍了未来几天最强劲的趋势和驱动力。Sreeradha D Basu为您带来报告的节选,与ET独家分享。





By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be made up of millennials \u2014 the always-mobile, instant gratifi cation-seeking workers looking for rapid career advancement in tandem with meaningful, challenging work and work-life balance. To adapt to the new world of work, HR<\/a> is undergoing extreme makeovers to deliver greater business impact and drive business innovation. \"India is now the global hub for IT talent, with over 3.5 million employees and poised to grow at 6% this fiscal. Digital is pervading everything. The journey towards a new face of HR started in an incipient way two to three years ago. The momentum is increasing at a rapid pace, led by the fact that the workforce is increasingly constituted by those who joined after 2000,\" said R Chandrashekhar<\/a>, president, Nasscom<\/a>. This generation of milliennials grew up in the midst of technology and as their proportion in the workforce increases, the use of social media becomes inevitable.
\"While it is true in all segments, it\u2019s much more so in IT as this is the very
industry<\/a> that is driving disruptions,\" said Chandrashekhar. While bigger companies are bringing in processes and systems to bring about changes in HR to refl ect changing times; smaller companies with no legacy or formal HR systems to deal with have been faster to adapt.