
Shashwat Singh离开金伯利克拉克,加入boAt担任首席信息官


Shashwat Singh, boAt公司首席信息官
Shashwat Singh, boAt公司首席信息官
Shashwat辛格他已经从金伯利克拉克公司(Kimberly Clark)的供应链部门工作了几个月技术领先据消息人士透露。

辛格现在加入了作为首席信息官并将于2021年5月14日上任。印度制造,印度品牌是核心消费电子产品公司。该公司由Aman Gupta和Sameer Mehta创立,以实惠、耐用和现代科技为基础的产品进入市场,如耳机、耳机立体声、旅行充电器和优质坚固的电缆。

在这个新职位上,Singh将向boAt首席执行官Vivek Gambhir汇报工作。他将领导数字和IT团队,并将致力于扩大该团队。他还将负责建立一个可扩展的、健壮的、安全的IT环境。

辛格是一位数字布道者,也是全球知名的技术领袖。他在金伯利克拉克(Kimberly Clark)等机构拥有超过15年的领先技术和数字经验,联合利华,亚洲的油漆.他拥有Dhirubhai Ambani信息与通信技术学院的IT学士学位,并完成了IIT Kharagpur的工商管理硕士学位。

Shashwat Singh, CIO, boAt <\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Shashwat Singh<\/a> has moved on from Kimberly Clark where he has served a few months in the capacity of Supply Chain Technology Leader<\/a>, according to sources.

Singh has now joined
boAt<\/a> as CIO<\/a> and will be taking charge on 14th May 2021. Made in India, by an Indian brand is the core of this consumer electronics<\/a> company. Founded by Aman Gupta and Sameer Mehta, the company came into the market with affordable, durable, and modern technology-based products such as earphones, headphones stereos, travel chargers, and premium rugged cables.

In this new role, Singh will be reporting to Vivek Gambhir, CEO, boAt. He will lead the Digital and IT team and will work on expanding it. He will also be responsible for setting up a scalable, robust, and secure IT landscape.