By Saurabh Srivastava<\/strong>
I am mystified at the unholy glee with which a section of the media is writing off an industry<\/a> that should be celebrated. One of the greatest success stories of modern India, the software industry<\/a> has grown from about $50 million to over $150 billion over less than 30 years and is envied and feared by the world. It is the original ‘Make in India’ flag-bearer, the largest employer in the organised private sector, accounts for 8 per cent of GDP<\/a> growth, 65 per cent of services exports, and 25 per cent of all exports.
It attracted
global venture capital<\/a> (VC) and private equity<\/a> (PE) to India, ushered in global standards of governance, created the highest levels of employee ownership and wealth, and set standards for employee care. It created the brand ‘New India’.
This success was achieved in unbelievably adverse conditions. When a handful of us founded the National Association of Software and Services Companies (
Nasscom<\/a>) in 1988, India had a 2 per cent ‘Hindu’ rate of GDP<\/a> growth, no domestic market, a few weeks of foreign exchange leading to restrictions on foreign travel, one year to create a company with approvals, 160 per cent import duties on hardware and software, telecom leased lines transmitting at 9.6K (when they worked), no VC, no debt, and all the IITs<\/a> producing perhaps 100 computer graduates.
\nDinesh, maybe now is the time to tell the media you’re a Pakistani programmer
\nIn this environment, we created a world-beating industry by focusing on innovation and quality. By 2000, we had more Globally Quality-certified companies than any other country. Aware of potential visa issues, we reduced dependence on on-site services and ‘pioneered’ offshore delivery from multiple locations.
\nWe overcame the shortage of IT grads by working with the government and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, to create a new Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree. We built in-house capability to train large numbers of fresh non-IT grads into fully deployable resources in 6-9 months.
\nWe invented a unique ‘delivery model’ using a few senior people, masses of well-trained fresh graduates, and rigorously designed robust processes to deliver projects to the same quality and time specs as global players with large numbers of experienced staff.
\nIT Codebreaker<\/strong>
\nWhile the global majors dismissed us as a cost bubble that would burst with rising salaries, we had seriously innovated. We had taken the entire value chain from the customer’s requirements to the last line of code, disaggregated it, done each part differently, and then put it together again, to deliver the same or better value at alower price.
\nWe survived the internet bust of 2000, the economic meltdown of 2008, and have withstood threats and competition from large global players from the US and Europe as well as emerging economies in Eastern Europe and Asia.
\nWe have prospered despite blatant protectionism from developed countries that have disingenuously mixed trade and immigration issues, H-1B rules that favour US companies over ours, unfair social security taxes in billions of dollars that we cannot claim under US law, and the Chinese government spending tens of billions of dollars in massive subsidies and offering free plug-and-play infrastructure to seduce foreign players to set up base in China.
\nThis is far from invoking any ‘nationalist’ argument. But sensationalising issues based on anecdotal interviewsis unfair to India’s most global and key industry, and a huge disservice to potential aspirants wishing to join it. Reports of mass layoffs are incorrect.
\nSix lakh people were hired in the last three years, 50,000 in Q4 of 2016-17 alone by only the top five companies. The industry will be a net hirer in 2018. Performance-linked workforce realignment, which impacts less than 3 per cent of the workforce, has barely changed this year. Lower attrition, automation and the industry focus on innovation and enhanced efficiencies have seen a gentle deceleration in hiring growth rates — but on a growing base.
\nConsequently, the industry expects to hire more people in the next eight years than it did in the previous eight.
\nThe oft-quoted McKinsey study that talks of one million existing jobs being destroyed in the future also points to 1.9 million new jobs created in the same time frame. In fact, today, we account for barely 5 per cent of the global tech industry. So, we have significant headroom for growth, our vision for 2025 being $350 billion, which would add another 2.5-3 million jobs, though skill sets are changing and reskilling is key.
\nAn industry that has succeeded by disrupting the global model understands the need to reinvent. Leading companies have been gearing up in their own way: technology acquisitions, local and global mergers and acquisitions, corporate venturing, engaging with the increasing dynamic startup ecosystem, and reskilling.
\nStartup and Running<\/strong>
The life cycle of skills is shorter. Half of today’s jobs will require new skills. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s focus on
Digital India<\/a>, Smart Cities et al, India finally has a rapidly growing domestic market. The government’s ‘Startup India’ initiative and a slew of measures like the Rs 10,000 crore ‘Fund of Funds’ have made the startup ecosystem come alive.
\nWe now have about 20,000 startups, propelling us to the third spot in the world.
Nasscom<\/a> is no longer about IT services or business process outsourcing (BPO). Its 10,000 startups initiative has been a runaway success.
\nSo, the prophets of doom can take some time off and celebrate.
\n(The writer is co-founder, Nasscom)<\/strong>
\nDISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.<\/em>\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":58861608,"title":"Govt asks telcos to lower prices after GST benefits","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/cut-prices-pass-gst-benefits-to-customers-government-tells-telecom-operators\/58861608","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":58866340,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Software firms in India have good hiring plans, jobs meltdown is a media myth","synopsis":"The oft-quoted McKinsey study that talks of one million existing jobs being destroyed in the future also points to 1.9 million new jobs created in the same time frame.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/software-firms-in-india-have-good-hiring-plans-jobs-meltdown-is-a-media-myth","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET CONTRIBUTORS","artdate":"2017-05-27 08:49:52","lastupd":"2017-05-27 08:52:18","breadcrumbTags":["industry","Nasscom","private equity","gdp","IITs","Global venture capital","Digital India"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/software-firms-in-india-have-good-hiring-plans-jobs-meltdown-is-a-media-myth"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2017-05-27" data-index="article_1">



  • 更新2017年5月27日08:52点坚持



这个成功是难以置信的不利条件。当少数我们成立了国家软件和服务公司协会(行业协会)在1988年,印度的印度教率2%国内生产总值增长,没有国内市场,几周的外汇导致限制外国旅行,一年创建公司的批准,160%进口关税的硬件和软件,电信租用线路传输在9.6 k(在他们工作时),没有风险,没有债务,所有的理工学院生产大约100计算机毕业生。



我们克服了短缺的毕业生通过与政府和印度管理学院,艾哈迈达巴德,创建一个新的计算机应用(MCA)硕士学位。我们建立了内部能力培养大量的新的非it毕业生充分部署资源在6 - 9个月。




我们繁荣尽管明目张胆的来自发达国家的贸易保护主义,不真诚地混合贸易和移民问题,h - 1 b签证规则有利于美国企业在我们的,不公平的社会保障税在数十亿美元,我们不能要求根据美国法律,和中国政府支出数百亿美元的巨额补贴和基础设施提供免费的即插即用引诱外国公司在中国设立基地。


六个十万的人雇了过去三年里,在50000年第四季度的2016 - 17就只有五家公司。在2018年该行业将是一个净定。绩效工作调整,影响不到3%的劳动力,今年几乎没有改变。降低消耗,自动化和行业专注于创新和提高效率温和减速在招聘的增长率,但不断增长的基础。


最常见的一百万个现有工作岗位为麦肯锡研究谈判遭到破坏在未来还指出,190万年新增就业岗位在同一时间内。事实上,今天,我们几乎占5%的全球科技行业。所以,我们有巨大的增长空间,我们的愿景为2025 3500亿美元,这将添加另一个2.5 -300万个工作岗位,虽然技能正在改变和reskilling是关键。


技能较短的生命周期。今天有一半的工作将需要新的技能。莫迪总理的关注数字印度智能城市et al,印度终于有一个快速增长的国内市场。政府的“启动印度”计划和一系列措施10000卢比“基金的基金”的创业生态系统活跃起来。




  • 发布于2017年5月27日08:49点坚持

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By Saurabh Srivastava<\/strong>
I am mystified at the unholy glee with which a section of the media is writing off an industry<\/a> that should be celebrated. One of the greatest success stories of modern India, the software industry<\/a> has grown from about $50 million to over $150 billion over less than 30 years and is envied and feared by the world. It is the original ‘Make in India’ flag-bearer, the largest employer in the organised private sector, accounts for 8 per cent of GDP<\/a> growth, 65 per cent of services exports, and 25 per cent of all exports.
It attracted
global venture capital<\/a> (VC) and private equity<\/a> (PE) to India, ushered in global standards of governance, created the highest levels of employee ownership and wealth, and set standards for employee care. It created the brand ‘New India’.
This success was achieved in unbelievably adverse conditions. When a handful of us founded the National Association of Software and Services Companies (
Nasscom<\/a>) in 1988, India had a 2 per cent ‘Hindu’ rate of GDP<\/a> growth, no domestic market, a few weeks of foreign exchange leading to restrictions on foreign travel, one year to create a company with approvals, 160 per cent import duties on hardware and software, telecom leased lines transmitting at 9.6K (when they worked), no VC, no debt, and all the IITs<\/a> producing perhaps 100 computer graduates.
\nDinesh, maybe now is the time to tell the media you’re a Pakistani programmer
\nIn this environment, we created a world-beating industry by focusing on innovation and quality. By 2000, we had more Globally Quality-certified companies than any other country. Aware of potential visa issues, we reduced dependence on on-site services and ‘pioneered’ offshore delivery from multiple locations.
\nWe overcame the shortage of IT grads by working with the government and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, to create a new Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree. We built in-house capability to train large numbers of fresh non-IT grads into fully deployable resources in 6-9 months.
\nWe invented a unique ‘delivery model’ using a few senior people, masses of well-trained fresh graduates, and rigorously designed robust processes to deliver projects to the same quality and time specs as global players with large numbers of experienced staff.
\nIT Codebreaker<\/strong>
\nWhile the global majors dismissed us as a cost bubble that would burst with rising salaries, we had seriously innovated. We had taken the entire value chain from the customer’s requirements to the last line of code, disaggregated it, done each part differently, and then put it together again, to deliver the same or better value at alower price.
\nWe survived the internet bust of 2000, the economic meltdown of 2008, and have withstood threats and competition from large global players from the US and Europe as well as emerging economies in Eastern Europe and Asia.
\nWe have prospered despite blatant protectionism from developed countries that have disingenuously mixed trade and immigration issues, H-1B rules that favour US companies over ours, unfair social security taxes in billions of dollars that we cannot claim under US law, and the Chinese government spending tens of billions of dollars in massive subsidies and offering free plug-and-play infrastructure to seduce foreign players to set up base in China.
\nThis is far from invoking any ‘nationalist’ argument. But sensationalising issues based on anecdotal interviewsis unfair to India’s most global and key industry, and a huge disservice to potential aspirants wishing to join it. Reports of mass layoffs are incorrect.
\nSix lakh people were hired in the last three years, 50,000 in Q4 of 2016-17 alone by only the top five companies. The industry will be a net hirer in 2018. Performance-linked workforce realignment, which impacts less than 3 per cent of the workforce, has barely changed this year. Lower attrition, automation and the industry focus on innovation and enhanced efficiencies have seen a gentle deceleration in hiring growth rates — but on a growing base.
\nConsequently, the industry expects to hire more people in the next eight years than it did in the previous eight.
\nThe oft-quoted McKinsey study that talks of one million existing jobs being destroyed in the future also points to 1.9 million new jobs created in the same time frame. In fact, today, we account for barely 5 per cent of the global tech industry. So, we have significant headroom for growth, our vision for 2025 being $350 billion, which would add another 2.5-3 million jobs, though skill sets are changing and reskilling is key.
\nAn industry that has succeeded by disrupting the global model understands the need to reinvent. Leading companies have been gearing up in their own way: technology acquisitions, local and global mergers and acquisitions, corporate venturing, engaging with the increasing dynamic startup ecosystem, and reskilling.
\nStartup and Running<\/strong>
The life cycle of skills is shorter. Half of today’s jobs will require new skills. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s focus on
Digital India<\/a>, Smart Cities et al, India finally has a rapidly growing domestic market. The government’s ‘Startup India’ initiative and a slew of measures like the Rs 10,000 crore ‘Fund of Funds’ have made the startup ecosystem come alive.
\nWe now have about 20,000 startups, propelling us to the third spot in the world.
Nasscom<\/a> is no longer about IT services or business process outsourcing (BPO). Its 10,000 startups initiative has been a runaway success.
\nSo, the prophets of doom can take some time off and celebrate.
\n(The writer is co-founder, Nasscom)<\/strong>
\nDISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.<\/em>\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":58861608,"title":"Govt asks telcos to lower prices after GST benefits","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/cut-prices-pass-gst-benefits-to-customers-government-tells-telecom-operators\/58861608","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":58866340,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Software firms in India have good hiring plans, jobs meltdown is a media myth","synopsis":"The oft-quoted McKinsey study that talks of one million existing jobs being destroyed in the future also points to 1.9 million new jobs created in the same time frame.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/software-firms-in-india-have-good-hiring-plans-jobs-meltdown-is-a-media-myth","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET CONTRIBUTORS","artdate":"2017-05-27 08:49:52","lastupd":"2017-05-27 08:52:18","breadcrumbTags":["industry","Nasscom","private equity","gdp","IITs","Global venture capital","Digital India"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/software-firms-in-india-have-good-hiring-plans-jobs-meltdown-is-a-media-myth"}}" data-news_link="//">