

STL的业务收入增长了约49%,至1309卢比在公布季度同期的876.2卢比2020 - 21所示。


“去年第一季度最严重流感大流行的影响。即使这4 - 6月季度的第二波的影响但大幅跃升帕特(税后利润)很大程度上是因为去年流行的程度,“STL集团首席财务官Mihir莫迪说。

STL的业务收入增长了约49%,至1309卢比在公布季度同期的876.2卢比2020 - 21所示。


公司报告说,其潜在市场总额的宽带技术,它提供了在2021年增长了5倍到Rs 2, 97800卢比。



“Clearcomm收购的目的主要是获取能力。集团的创始人和员工将继续运营Clearcomm STL集团公司。收购大大促进我们的英国突袭。它会给我们一个立足在德国和意大利,”莫迪说。

公司的订单增长了8.7%,达到11200卢比2021年4 - 6月季度从去年同期的10300卢比。

“大约4200卢比11200卢比是可执行的财政年度(2022年财政年度)和剩余7000卢比2023财政年度及以后订单的交付。大约2500卢比的11200卢比的本质是保证和维护,4 - 5年,”莫迪说。


New Delhi: Broadband technology company Sterlite Technologies<\/a> on Thursday posted a multi-fold jump in its consolidated profit at Rs 115.75 crore in the first quarter ended June 2021, helped by business gains post easing of Covid restrictions. Sterlite Technologies (STL) had recorded a profit of Rs 5.96 crore in the same period a year ago due to the impact of pandemic.

\"First quarter of last year was most heavily affected by the pandemic. Even this April-June quarter had some impact of the second wave but the sharp jump in
PAT<\/a> (profit after tax) is largely because of the extent of the pandemic last year,\" STL group chief financial officer Mihir Modi said.

The revenue from operations of STL increased by about 49 per cent to Rs 1,309.23 crore during the reported quarter from Rs 876.2 crore in the corresponding period of 2020-21.