
Sundar Pichai IIT Kharagpur解决学生在1月5日

谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai将回到他的母校IIT Kharagpur于1月5日

Sundar Pichai IIT Kharagpur解决学生在1月5日加尔各答:谷歌首席执行官 Sundar Pichai回到他的母校吗IIT Kharagpur1月5日,“重温过去,激励未来”。这将是Pichai的首次访问校园这个软件巨头的首席执行官。整整一年之后,他最后一次去拜访,Pichai将踏入校园的交互式会话与学生题为“旅行回到过去激励未来”。


当IIT Kharagpur高级教员Sanat Kumar罗伊接到的电话华尔街日报》记者寻求Sundar Pichai的细节,在2015年初前冶金和材料工程系的学生后,他被任命为总裁谷歌,他已经通过部门的记录,告诉记者,没有这样的学生了。后来的高级教员意识到Sundar Pichai是P Sundarrajan曾获得了公元前1993年罗伊银牌。他获得了最高分。

一年后,Pichai被任命为新的全球谷歌的首席执行官。海拔高度后,IIT Kharagpur导演所写的脸谱网页面:“恭喜桑达尔。你是一个灵感IIT-Kgp学生。整个IIT-Kgp家庭是为你骄傲。祝你最好的!许多学生从学院校友表示祝贺。在年度召开IIT-Kgp 2015年8月,学院获得区分校友奖给他。

“他是最鼓舞人心的校友之一,学生查阅,我们非常高兴,他正在他的母校之旅。我们将张开双臂欢迎他,”印度科技学院的主任说,Kharagpur帕Pratim Chakraborty。


\"SundarKOLKATA: Google CEO<\/a> Sundar Pichai<\/a> will travel back to his alma mater IIT Kharagpur<\/a> on January 5 to \u201crelive the past and inspire the future\u201d. This will be Pichai\u2019s first visit to the campus as the CEO of the software giant. Exactly a year after his last visit to the country, Pichai will step into the campus for an interactive session with students titled \u201cA journey back to the past to inspire the future\u201d.

Pichai was a resident of
Nehru Hall<\/a> at the institute and had a shy demeanor. He had fallen in love with a girl from the campus but even his closest friends could not sniff his love interest till they saw him marry Anjali from the chemical engineering department of the same batch.

When IIT Kharagpur senior faculty member Sanat Kumar Roy received a call from a
Wall Street<\/a> Journal reporter in early 2015 seeking details of Sundar Pichai, a former student of department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering after his appointment as vice-president of Google<\/a>, he had gone through the department records and told the journalist that no such student had passed out. It was later that the senior faculty member realised that Sundar Pichai is P Sundarrajan who had been awarded the BC Roy silver medal in 1993. He had secured the highest marks in the department.