
Synopsys-controlled OpenLight发射硅光子学技术平台


Synopsys-controlled OpenLight发射硅光子学技术平台

OpenLight公司剥离出来的瞻博网络(aapl . o:行情)和控制Synopsys对此. n:行情)周一表示,将推出一款硅光子学的平台,芯片设计公司可以使用它来将技术整合到他们的芯片。


OpenLight首席运营官托马斯·马德尔说,新平台将更方便半导体公司将硅光子学集成到他们的芯片设计。它首先通过启动使用塔半导体有限公司,这英特尔(intc . o:行情)。在购买的过程中。英特尔有自己的硅光子学技术。



OpenLight<\/a>, a company spun out of Juniper Networks<\/a> Inc and controlled by Synopsys<\/a> Inc, on Monday said it is launching a silicon photonics<\/a> platform that chip design firms<\/a> can use to integrate the technology into their chips.

Silicon photonics, which has been drawing more and more attention, uses light rather than electric current to process and transmit data.

OpenLight's chief operating officer, Thomas Mader, said the new platform will make it easier for more
semiconductor<\/a> companies to integrate silicon photonics into their chip designs. It will first be launched for use through Tower Semiconductor Ltd<\/a>, which Intel Corp<\/a>. is in the process of buying. Intel has its own silicon photonics technology.