


在这个裁员季,科技公司清空了他们的板凳新德里:当他还在MindtreeAshok Soota禁止使用“板凳”一词,更愿意称这段时间为“投资时间”。这种方法一直延续到他创立的公司,快乐的思想,不在某个项目工作的员工要么在接受培训,要么在参与内部项目,要么在现有团队中充当影子资源。“项目之间总是会有人;我们有责任利用这些时间投资于这个人,投资于我们的项目。”

与此同时,Mindtree引入了“优步化”的概念劳动力或者是一个内部市场,员工可以在那里查看开放的项目,并申请在他们的垂直领域以外的领域工作。Mindtree的自动化主管拉姆·C·莫汉(Ram C Mohan)表示:“随着组织竖井的扩大,你会失去可能适合某个职位的人的能见度。这是非常有效的,因为员工可以根据他们想要的选择机会。虽然优化成本是很重要的,因为维护一个加长的长凳可能会带来财政负担,但它也会对人产生负面影响。”


虽然确切的数字各不相同,但大多数公司的平均利用率在70年代中期,这意味着在任何给定的时间,至少有几千人处于项目之间。印孚瑟斯首席执行官Vishal Sikka最近将印孚瑟斯的板凳比作亚马逊网络服务和优步。

“Zero Bench是下一代人才计划,旨在最大限度地发挥我们在项目之间的人才潜力。我们希望通过提供短期工作任务的机会,确保每位员工都能积极为组织的目标做出贡献。我们通过一个名为“加速”的开放的、非中介化的内部市场来做到这一点。这是一个游戏化的平台,人们可以根据自己的项目需求发布模块化的工作,而印孚瑟斯的任何一个普通员工都可以注册。”

在过去的两年里,他们创造了4万多个工作包,Sikka说公司已经实现了2000个想法。同样,总部位于浦那的Persistent Systems也推出了一个专门的项目,旨在对不在项目上的人员进行再培训。

Persistent Systems总裁Mrityunjay Singh表示:“2015年,我们取消了长凳的概念——我们的一些员工从事的项目是由客户支付的,所以不是。这些人致力于短期概念验证,以解决客户问题或创造新事物,”他说。该公司定期为这批员工举办黑客马拉松,让他们能够尝试新的想法。


\"TechNEW DELHI: Back when he was at Mindtree<\/a>, Ashok Soota<\/a> banned the use of the word 'bench', preferring to call this period 'investment time'. This approach has carried over to the company he founded, Happiest Minds<\/a>, where employees who are not working on a project are either being reskilled, involved in internal projects or are functioning as shadow resources for an existing team.\u201cThere will always be people between projects; it is incumbent on us to use the time to invest in the person and invest in our programmes,\u201c said Soota, executive chairman of Happiest Minds.

Mindtree, meanwhile, has brought in the concept of an 'uberised
workforce<\/a>' or an internal marketplace where employees can view open projects and apply to work on something outside their vertical. Ram C Mohan, head-automation, Mindtree, said: \u201cAs the organisational silos grow, you lose visibility of people who may be suitable for a role. This is very effective as employees can pick and choose opportunities based on what they want. While it is important to optimise costs as maintaining an extended bench can be financially taxing, it also has a negative effect on the people.\u201c

As manpower costs rise and new projects slow down, IT companies are realising that it is no longer feasible to keep a large number of people idle on the bench, a term as old as the industry itself. Traditionally, IT firms have always hired more people than are needed at any given time based on growth projections so that work on new projects can be started right away.