Wipro<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>LAS VEGAS<\/a>: The US-based Cisco<\/a> Systems and Indian system integrator Wipro<\/a> Technologies have partnered to deploy private fifth generation (5G<\/a>) networks to enterprise customers worldwide.

The two companies have launched managed private 5G-as-a-Service for enterprise customers.

\"Wipro is partnering with Cisco where the two companies will work closely to tap
private 5G<\/a> business globally, initially focussing on the US, Canada and European markets where spectrum has no challenge,\" a person privy to the developments said.

The Indian multinational will buy network gear and custom solutions from Cisco, and is additionally exploring a revenue-share model, based on pay-as-you-go subscription.

Azim Premji-owned company that has opened its Americas headquarters in New Jersey, is already in discussions with a few large enterprise customers in the retail chain space as well as airports and stadiums.

\"From a customer point of view, 5G will be an add-on technology. We already have Wi-Fi, local area network (LAN) and software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN),\" the person said, adding that Cisco will be a technology provider, and Wipro will deliver platform and services, orchestrated and managed for enterprises.

Queries to Cisco and Wipro did not elicit any response. Meanwhile, they issued a press statement confirming the development.

Non-public or private 5G network is an extension to a wireless technology for the creation of a dedicated local area network (LAN) within a manufacturing premise or business facility for seamless captive connectivity needs.

Chuck Robbins-headed Cisco lately forged alliances such as with
NTT<\/a> and Intel<\/a> to deploy next generation-centric captive network offering to the market, following adoption across multiple sectors such as mining, manufacturing, logistics and retail.

The San Jose-based technology major sees private 5G as an opportunity to upsell to its existing enterprise customer base as well as eyeing to rope in new businesses who want to enhance operational efficiency, production or factory output by way of leveraging 5G technology.

Early this year, Wipro launched a 5G Def-i platform, and integrated with Cisco’s 5G and enterprise products such as IoTaaS, ThousandEyes and Identity Services Engine to bring end-to-end solutions with industry-specific applications to customers.

Last year, ABB, a Swedish automation company entered into a five-year strategic deal with Wipro worth $150 million to accelerate automation and enhance user experience that include managed services and endpoint security support.

The New York-based
Verizon<\/a> is also banking on 5G captive network business outside the US market, and earlier said that it offers an entire lifecycle from strategy and planning to architecture design, deployment and management services.

In India, telecom carriers argue that it is their expertise to deploy wireless networks, and warn that any move allowing non-telco entities would not only alter market dynamics, but would also hurt financial well-being of the industry.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":100813653,"title":"HCLTech launches 5G testing, validation lab in Chennai for telecom OEMs","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/telecom-equipment\/hcltech-launches-5g-testing-validation-lab-in-chennai-for-telecom-oems\/100813653","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecom-equipment"}],"related_content":[],"msid":100828558,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Wipro, Cisco team up to deliver private 5G service","synopsis":"The Indian multinational will buy network gear and custom solutions from Cisco, and is additionally exploring a revenue-share model, based on pay-as-you-go subscription.","titleseo":"telecom-equipment\/cisco-wipro-team-up-to-deliver-private-5g-worldwide","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Muntazir Abbas","author_link":"\/author\/479234376\/muntazir-abbas","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479234376.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479234376,"author_name":"Muntazir Abbas","author_seo_name":"muntazir-abbas","designation":"Editor","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":3618,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":9399000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2023-06-07 21:11:38","lastupd":"2023-06-08 08:41:57","breadcrumbTags":["wipro","cisco","chuck robbins","las vegas","ntt","telecom equipment","private 5g","5g","Verizon","Intel"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecom-equipment\/cisco-wipro-team-up-to-deliver-private-5g-worldwide"}}" data-authors="[" muntazir abbas"]" data-category-name="Telecom Equipment" data-category_id="914" data-date="2023-06-07" data-index="article_1">

Wipro,思科提供私人5 g服务团队


  • 更新在2023年6月8日08:41点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
Wipro < p > < / p >

这两家公司发起了私人5 g-as-a-service企业客户管理。



Azim Premji-owned公司开设了美洲总部在新泽西州,已经与几家大型企业客户在零售连锁空间以及机场和体育场馆。

“从客户的角度来看,5 g是一个插件技术。我们已经有wi - fi、局域网(LAN)和软件定义广域网(SD-WAN),”那个人说,思科将技术提供者,和Wipro将交付平台和服务,企业策划和管理。


非公开或私人5 g网络扩展到无线技术创建一个专用的局域网(LAN)在生产前提或商业设施无缝俘虏连接需求。


一样默不作声技术主要认为私人5 g为契机,增销的现有企业客户基础以及关注绳在新企业要提高运营效率,生产工厂产出的方式利用5 g技术。

今年年初,Wipro推出了5 g Def-i平台,并结合思科的5 g和企业产品,如IoTaaS ThousandEyes和身份服务引擎将与特定于行业的应用程序客户端到端解决方案。


总部位于纽约威瑞森还指望5 g俘虏网络业务在美国以外的市场,和早些时候说,它提供了一个完整的生命周期从战略和规划到建筑设计、部署和管理服务。

  • 发表在2023年6月7日09:11点坚持

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Wipro<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>LAS VEGAS<\/a>: The US-based Cisco<\/a> Systems and Indian system integrator Wipro<\/a> Technologies have partnered to deploy private fifth generation (5G<\/a>) networks to enterprise customers worldwide.

The two companies have launched managed private 5G-as-a-Service for enterprise customers.

\"Wipro is partnering with Cisco where the two companies will work closely to tap
private 5G<\/a> business globally, initially focussing on the US, Canada and European markets where spectrum has no challenge,\" a person privy to the developments said.

The Indian multinational will buy network gear and custom solutions from Cisco, and is additionally exploring a revenue-share model, based on pay-as-you-go subscription.

Azim Premji-owned company that has opened its Americas headquarters in New Jersey, is already in discussions with a few large enterprise customers in the retail chain space as well as airports and stadiums.

\"From a customer point of view, 5G will be an add-on technology. We already have Wi-Fi, local area network (LAN) and software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN),\" the person said, adding that Cisco will be a technology provider, and Wipro will deliver platform and services, orchestrated and managed for enterprises.

Queries to Cisco and Wipro did not elicit any response. Meanwhile, they issued a press statement confirming the development.

Non-public or private 5G network is an extension to a wireless technology for the creation of a dedicated local area network (LAN) within a manufacturing premise or business facility for seamless captive connectivity needs.

Chuck Robbins-headed Cisco lately forged alliances such as with
NTT<\/a> and Intel<\/a> to deploy next generation-centric captive network offering to the market, following adoption across multiple sectors such as mining, manufacturing, logistics and retail.

The San Jose-based technology major sees private 5G as an opportunity to upsell to its existing enterprise customer base as well as eyeing to rope in new businesses who want to enhance operational efficiency, production or factory output by way of leveraging 5G technology.

Early this year, Wipro launched a 5G Def-i platform, and integrated with Cisco’s 5G and enterprise products such as IoTaaS, ThousandEyes and Identity Services Engine to bring end-to-end solutions with industry-specific applications to customers.

Last year, ABB, a Swedish automation company entered into a five-year strategic deal with Wipro worth $150 million to accelerate automation and enhance user experience that include managed services and endpoint security support.

The New York-based
Verizon<\/a> is also banking on 5G captive network business outside the US market, and earlier said that it offers an entire lifecycle from strategy and planning to architecture design, deployment and management services.

In India, telecom carriers argue that it is their expertise to deploy wireless networks, and warn that any move allowing non-telco entities would not only alter market dynamics, but would also hurt financial well-being of the industry.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":100813653,"title":"HCLTech launches 5G testing, validation lab in Chennai for telecom OEMs","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/telecom-equipment\/hcltech-launches-5g-testing-validation-lab-in-chennai-for-telecom-oems\/100813653","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecom-equipment"}],"related_content":[],"msid":100828558,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Wipro, Cisco team up to deliver private 5G service","synopsis":"The Indian multinational will buy network gear and custom solutions from Cisco, and is additionally exploring a revenue-share model, based on pay-as-you-go subscription.","titleseo":"telecom-equipment\/cisco-wipro-team-up-to-deliver-private-5g-worldwide","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Muntazir Abbas","author_link":"\/author\/479234376\/muntazir-abbas","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479234376.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479234376,"author_name":"Muntazir Abbas","author_seo_name":"muntazir-abbas","designation":"Editor","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":3618,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":9399000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2023-06-07 21:11:38","lastupd":"2023-06-08 08:41:57","breadcrumbTags":["wipro","cisco","chuck robbins","las vegas","ntt","telecom equipment","private 5g","5g","Verizon","Intel"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecom-equipment\/cisco-wipro-team-up-to-deliver-private-5g-worldwide"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/telecom-equipment/cisco-wipro-team-up-to-deliver-private-5g-worldwide/100828558">