<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\nNEW DELHI: The New Year promises to be a good one for technology job-seekers as several tech startups and ecommerce players have chalked out ambitious hiring plans following recent funding.

Cash-rich startups such as Healthians, Milkbasket, Cars24, Instamojo and Mo-Engage are expected to hire 50% more people in 2019 than they did this year, while matured players like Zomato<\/a>, Oyo and Swiggy are likely to increase in headcount up to 30% as they are targeting new markets, industry experts said.

“A majority of the new jobs will be in advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics, both of which are changing the employment ecosystem,” said KS Viswanathan, vice-president, industry initiatives,
Nasscom<\/a>. “Tech startups would add over 40,000 additional new jobs in 2019.” According to the industry body, the number of startups has nearly doubled since 2015 with a 55% growth in jobs in those that raised funds in 2018.

Most companies are building their tech teams. “One of our core focuses for 2019 is to continue to build depth in our engineering and product teams across levels,” said Daminee Sawhney, vice president, human resources at Zomato.

In October, Ant Financial pumped in $210 million, giving it more fuel to expand to tier II-III cities. It is also taking premium subscription programme Zomato Gold to more countries.

Swiggy, which recently raised $1 billion in a round led by existing investor
Naspers<\/a>, has increased headcount almost 140% in the past year. “In the coming year, we will be hiring the sharpest minds across business, sales, technology and for highly specialised roles like data sciences and AI,” said Girish Menon, vice-president, HR, Swiggy.

Oyo Rooms<\/a> chief human resources officer Dinesh R said it will “continue to invest in building capabilities across technology, operations, civil engineering while deep diving in data sciences, distribution and design and attracting world-class talent” in 2019. “Our target is to expand and strengthen the count of OYOpreneurs in our technology unit to 2020 by 2020,” he said.

Gurgaon-based Milkbasket, which raised an additional $7 million in a funding round last week led by US-based venture fund
Mayfield Fund<\/a>, plans to treble its headcount in 2019 to over 3,000 employees. “Investment in technological advancements, growth of operations and territorial expansion are main reasons of hiring,” said Anant Goel, cofounder of Milkbasket.

Door-step health service provider Healthians, which hired about 150 people this calendar, would more than double hiring numbers for 2019, its founder Deepak Sahni said. Healthians raised over $4 million in July and is firming up another round as ET reported earlier.

Cars24, an e-platform to sell used cars, had raised about $50 million in July and has doubled headcount to 2,000 since. “In the next six months, we’re aiming to be over 3,000,” said cofounder Gajendra Jangid. Cars24 plans to add 100 techies in 2019 at mid and senior levels.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":67245031,"title":"CtrlS to invest Rs 2,000 cr to set up world's largest tier-4 datacentre footprint in India","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/ctrls-to-invest-rs-2000-cr-to-set-up-worlds-largest-tier-4-datacentre-footprint-in-india\/67245031","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"67247912","title":"Hiring","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"jobs\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019\/hiring","category_name":"Tech startups, ecommerce companies to step up hiring in 2019","synopsis":"Cash-rich startups such as Healthians, Milkbasket, Cars24, Instamojo and Mo-Engage are expected to hire 50% more people in 2019 than they did this year.","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-39922\/67247912.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/jobs\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019\/hiring\/67247912"}],"msid":67250566,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Tech startups, ecommerce companies to step up hiring in 2019","synopsis":"Most companies are building their tech teams. \u201cOne of our core focuses for 2019 is to continue to build depth in our engineering and product teams across levels,\u201d said Daminee Sawhney, vice president, human resources at Zomato.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Anjali Venugopalan","author_link":"\/author\/479252443\/anjali-venugopalan","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479252443.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=34009","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479252443,"author_name":"Anjali Venugopalan","author_seo_name":"anjali-venugopalan","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_link":"\/author\/479236850\/prachi-verma","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479236850.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=57804","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479236850,"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_seo_name":"prachi-verma","designation":"Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2018-12-26 08:28:23","lastupd":"2018-12-26 08:28:23","breadcrumbTags":["nasscom","MayField Fund","Enterprise Services","Zomato","naspers","OYO Rooms"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019"}}" data-authors="[" anjali venugopalan","prachi verma"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2018-12-26" data-index="article_1">


大多数公司正在建设他们的技术团队。“我们的核心之一是2019年继续在我们的工程和产品团队建立深度的水平,“Daminee Sawhney说,在Zomato副总裁、人力资源。

Anjali Venugopalan 布勒Verma
  • 发布于2018年12月26日08:28点坚持

Cars24,现金充裕的公司,如Healthians Milkbasket Instamojo和Mo-Engage预计2019年雇佣更多的人50%相比,今年虽然成熟的球员Zomato,欧和Swiggy可能会增加员工30%针对新市场,业内专家说。

“大多数新工作将在先进技术,如人工智能(AI)和大数据分析,这两个正在改变就业的生态系统,“KS Viswanathan说,副总统,产业项目,行业协会。“科技创业公司将在2019年增加超过40000额外的新工作。“根据行业组织,初创企业的数目自2015年以来几乎翻了一番,在那些增长55%工作在2018年筹集资金。

大多数公司正在建设他们的技术团队。“我们的核心之一是2019年继续在我们的工程和产品团队建立深度的水平,“Daminee Sawhney说,在Zomato副总裁、人力资源。

去年10月,蚂蚁金融注入2.1亿美元,给它更多的燃料层ii iii城市扩张。它也采取溢价认购计划Zomato黄金更多的国家。

Swiggy,最近在一轮筹资10亿美元由现有的投资者Naspers,增加了人数近140%在过去的一年里。“在未来一年,我们将招聘最尖锐的思想跨业务、销售、技术和科学和人工智能等高度专业化的角色数据,“Girish Menon说,副总统,人力资源,Swiggy。

欧的房间首席人力资源官Dinesh R表示,它将“继续投资于建筑功能在技术、操作、土木工程在深潜科学数据,分配和设计,吸引世界一流人才”在2019年。“我们的目标是扩大和加强我们技术部门的OYOpreneurs数到2020,到2020年,”他说。

Gurgaon-based Milkbasket,提出了额外的700万美元资金轮上周美国为首的风险基金梅菲尔德基金,计划在2019年三冠王员工超过3000名员工。“投资在技术进步,业务的增长和领土扩张是招聘的主要原因,“Anant戈埃尔说,Milkbasket的创始人。


Cars24, e-platform出售二手车,筹集了约5000万美元的2000年7月,人数翻了一番。“在接下来的六个月里,我们的目标是在3000年,“说创始人Gajendra Jangid。Cars24计划增加100在2019年中期和高级技术人员的水平。
  • 发布于2018年12月26日08:28点坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\nNEW DELHI: The New Year promises to be a good one for technology job-seekers as several tech startups and ecommerce players have chalked out ambitious hiring plans following recent funding.

Cash-rich startups such as Healthians, Milkbasket, Cars24, Instamojo and Mo-Engage are expected to hire 50% more people in 2019 than they did this year, while matured players like Zomato<\/a>, Oyo and Swiggy are likely to increase in headcount up to 30% as they are targeting new markets, industry experts said.

“A majority of the new jobs will be in advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics, both of which are changing the employment ecosystem,” said KS Viswanathan, vice-president, industry initiatives,
Nasscom<\/a>. “Tech startups would add over 40,000 additional new jobs in 2019.” According to the industry body, the number of startups has nearly doubled since 2015 with a 55% growth in jobs in those that raised funds in 2018.

Most companies are building their tech teams. “One of our core focuses for 2019 is to continue to build depth in our engineering and product teams across levels,” said Daminee Sawhney, vice president, human resources at Zomato.

In October, Ant Financial pumped in $210 million, giving it more fuel to expand to tier II-III cities. It is also taking premium subscription programme Zomato Gold to more countries.

Swiggy, which recently raised $1 billion in a round led by existing investor
Naspers<\/a>, has increased headcount almost 140% in the past year. “In the coming year, we will be hiring the sharpest minds across business, sales, technology and for highly specialised roles like data sciences and AI,” said Girish Menon, vice-president, HR, Swiggy.

Oyo Rooms<\/a> chief human resources officer Dinesh R said it will “continue to invest in building capabilities across technology, operations, civil engineering while deep diving in data sciences, distribution and design and attracting world-class talent” in 2019. “Our target is to expand and strengthen the count of OYOpreneurs in our technology unit to 2020 by 2020,” he said.

Gurgaon-based Milkbasket, which raised an additional $7 million in a funding round last week led by US-based venture fund
Mayfield Fund<\/a>, plans to treble its headcount in 2019 to over 3,000 employees. “Investment in technological advancements, growth of operations and territorial expansion are main reasons of hiring,” said Anant Goel, cofounder of Milkbasket.

Door-step health service provider Healthians, which hired about 150 people this calendar, would more than double hiring numbers for 2019, its founder Deepak Sahni said. Healthians raised over $4 million in July and is firming up another round as ET reported earlier.

Cars24, an e-platform to sell used cars, had raised about $50 million in July and has doubled headcount to 2,000 since. “In the next six months, we’re aiming to be over 3,000,” said cofounder Gajendra Jangid. Cars24 plans to add 100 techies in 2019 at mid and senior levels.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":67245031,"title":"CtrlS to invest Rs 2,000 cr to set up world's largest tier-4 datacentre footprint in India","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/ctrls-to-invest-rs-2000-cr-to-set-up-worlds-largest-tier-4-datacentre-footprint-in-india\/67245031","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"67247912","title":"Hiring","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"jobs\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019\/hiring","category_name":"Tech startups, ecommerce companies to step up hiring in 2019","synopsis":"Cash-rich startups such as Healthians, Milkbasket, Cars24, Instamojo and Mo-Engage are expected to hire 50% more people in 2019 than they did this year.","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-39922\/67247912.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/jobs\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019\/hiring\/67247912"}],"msid":67250566,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Tech startups, ecommerce companies to step up hiring in 2019","synopsis":"Most companies are building their tech teams. \u201cOne of our core focuses for 2019 is to continue to build depth in our engineering and product teams across levels,\u201d said Daminee Sawhney, vice president, human resources at Zomato.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Anjali Venugopalan","author_link":"\/author\/479252443\/anjali-venugopalan","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479252443.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=34009","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479252443,"author_name":"Anjali Venugopalan","author_seo_name":"anjali-venugopalan","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_link":"\/author\/479236850\/prachi-verma","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479236850.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=57804","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479236850,"author_name":"Prachi Verma","author_seo_name":"prachi-verma","designation":"Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2018-12-26 08:28:23","lastupd":"2018-12-26 08:28:23","breadcrumbTags":["nasscom","MayField Fund","Enterprise Services","Zomato","naspers","OYO Rooms"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/tech-startups-ecommerce-companies-to-step-up-hiring-in-2019/67250566">