<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\nBy Stephen Nellis<\/strong>

SAN FRANCISCO: A raft of profit warnings from Apple Inc suppliers this week has fuelled investor concerns that iPhone sales, in terms of volume, have hit a wall that could spell trouble for the company's plans to make services its main pillar of growth.

For the past year, investors had largely been willing to overlook stagnating unit sales of the iPhone because average selling prices kept rising. But it now faces fierce competition from mid-priced phones from makers such as Xiaomi<\/a> Corp.

Apple has often stated its plan to increase its revenue from paid services, such as
Apple Music<\/a> and iCloud. That, at least in part, requires a growing base of device owners driven by its iPhone, which analysts believe accounts for about two-thirds of the 1.3 billion Apple devices<\/a> in use around the world.

Wall Street analysts have expressed concerns that slower overall smartphone sales will make it harder for Apple to hold smartphone market share as people put off buying its generally more expensive phones. That, in turn, could hurt the growth of Apple's services revenue, said Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi.

Without volume growth in promising overseas markets such as India, Brazil and Russia, the worry among analysts and investors is that Apple has at least parts of its strategy wrong with too much emphasis on its premium brand and the high prices that go with it, more than $1,000 for its top models.

Hal Eddins, chief economist for Apple shareholder Capital Investment Counsel, said phones like the
OnePlus<\/a> 6T are roughly comparable to Apple's high-end phones for almost half the price. \"You can get a lot of phone for a lot less,\" he said. \"The phone landscape is rapidly changing and I think manufacturers are missing a trick by going the $1,000 route.\"

Apple declined to comment on its strategy, or the share moves among its suppliers.

The company's executives have warned investors in the past against fixating on sparse data points from its large supply chain. Apple has for more than a decade insisted that its gadgets should not be judged on their specs alone, an argument that sales data suggests Apple made successfully.

The company also has customer satisfaction and loyalty rates that are unparalleled in the mobile phone industry, said Ben Bajarin, an analyst with Creative Strategies.

Nevertheless, a trio of Chinese smartphone makers - Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo - accounted for roughly a quarter of the
global market<\/a> in the first half of 2018, according to data from research firm IDC, up from just 8.9 percent for all of 2014 and almost 20 percent last year.

With the exception of fiscal 2015, Apple has not increased its market share. It had 13.6 percent of the world market in the first half of this year, down from 14.8 percent for 2014, although its share typically rises with full-year results due to strong sales in December.

The 1.3 billion iPhones, iPads and Macs used around the world serves as the pool of potential customers for Apple's services - a business that hit $37.1 billion in revenue for the most recent fiscal year.

That represented 14 percent of Apple's overall revenue, up from 8.5 percent in fiscal 2015 when iPhone unit sales hit their all-time high.

But IDC expects the global smartphone market to grow only 2.4 percent on a compound basis to 1.6 billion units by 2022, indicating a saturated market in which the Cupertino, California-based firm will be fighting rivals for each customer.

Xiaomi, in particular, is gaining fans rapidly. In India, where Apple has only a minor presence, Xiaomi has in some quarters beat
Samsung<\/a> Electronics Co Ltd to become the country's top phone seller and is also making headway into European markets like Spain, IDC said in a report.

According to data from IDC, Xiaomi was the top smartphone seller in India in the first and second quarters of 2018, with 30.3 percent and 29.7 percent, respectively, of the market for smartphone units there.

\"This is the case where it's much different in other parts of the world,\" said Ryan Reith, program vice president for IDC's mobile device tracking program, noting that most U.S. consumers are not familiar with Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo phones.

\"Many of those brands don't play (in the United States), but they're playing in places where they never played before,\" such as India and Europe, he said.


In its latest earnings this month, Apple shocked investors with a lower-than-expected sales forecast for the holiday shopping quarter and with its announcement that it would stop reporting unit sales for its hardware products as has been customary for the last 20 years.

Underscoring flattening iPhone unit sales, it also said it sold 217.7 million iPhones in its most recent fiscal year, virtually unchanged from the year before and well below a high point of 231.2 million in fiscal 2015.

Its share price, hit at the time of the forecast, has since extended losses after profit warnings from suppliers like Japan Display Inc, British chipmaker IQE Plc and Lumentum Holdings Inc. The stock is now down about 8 percent since its Nov. 1 earnings.

Apple's newest models such as the iPhone XS and iPhone XR are proving popular with its most loyal fans in wealthy economies. But they range up to $1,449 in price - out of reach for many consumers in less developed markets.

Apple's strategy is to lure those consumers to its eco-system with older models at cheaper prices.

It has also emphasized that its phones are designed to last longer than the competition, expanded its repair options and crafted its most recent operating system update to speed up older devices.

But Chinese smartphone makers have been packing their phones with higher-end chips and features like under-the-glass fingerprint sensors that seek to attract consumers who might otherwise give Apple's phones a look.

Those manufacturers are increasingly adopting
Qualcomm<\/a> Inc's most powerful mobile phone chips, said Cristiano Amon, the head of chip operations at the U.S. chipmaker, which is locked in a bitter court dispute with Apple.

Those phones were initially sold in China but \"we've also seen them gaining share outside China, especially in areas such as India and Europe,\" Amon said.

On its home turf, too, Apple is facing new challenges from at least one Chinese maker, OnePlus, which is creeping in to the U.S. firm's traditionally high pricing territory. Though the
iPhone 7<\/a>'s processor chip beats the OnePlus 6T in some speed tests posted by chip tracking firm Geekbench, the OnePlus phone has a contemporary design with thin bezels around the display, similar to newer iPhone models.

After years of being available in the United States only via an online store and developing a following among tech enthusiasts, the OnePlus 6T is being carried by T-Mobile US Inc stores.

At $549, it sits between the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 in terms of pricing. Kyle Kiang, the general manager for North America for OnePlus, said first-day sales of the new model were 86 percent higher in the United States than for the previous OnePlus released there, although he did not disclose absolute unit figures. He said sales were higher because of the T-Mobile relationship.

(Reporting by Stephen Nellis in San Francisco; Editing by Edwina Gibbs, Nick Zieminski and Matthew Lewis)

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":66629118,"title":"EU to curb phone costs, set up emergency alert system","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/eu-to-curb-phone-costs-set-up-emergency-alert-system\/66629118","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":66629162,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Threat from ascendant Chinese phones hangs over Apple","synopsis":"A raft of profit warnings from Apple Inc suppliers this week has fuelled investor concerns that iPhone sales, in terms of volume, have hit a wall that could spell trouble for the company's plans to make services its main pillar of growth.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/threat-from-ascendant-chinese-phones-hangs-over-apple","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"REUTERS","artdate":"2018-11-15 08:54:03","lastupd":"2018-11-15 08:54:03","breadcrumbTags":["iphone 7","Xiaomi","Samsung","Devices","economy of china","global market","Oppo Electronics","oneplus","Apple Music","Qualcomm"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/threat-from-ascendant-chinese-phones-hangs-over-apple"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2018-11-15" data-index="article_1">


大量的利润预警从苹果(aapl . o:行情)本周供应商引发了投资者的担忧,iPhone的销售,在体积方面,碰了壁,可以为公司带来麻烦的计划服务增长的主要支柱。

  • 发布于2018年11月15日凌晨08:54坚持

旧金山:大量的利润预警从苹果(aapl . o:行情)本周供应商引发了投资者的担忧,iPhone的销售,在体积方面,碰了壁,可以为公司带来麻烦的计划服务增长的主要支柱。



华尔街分析人士担心,智能手机总销量放缓将使苹果更难保持智能手机市场份额随着人们推迟购买更昂贵的手机。这反过来可能会损害苹果的服务收入的增长,伯恩斯坦的Toni Sacconaghi说。


首席经济学家Hal eddin苹果股东资本投资顾问,说手机之类的OnePlus6 t大致相当于苹果的高端手机几乎一半的价格。“你可以得到很多的电话少得多,”他说。“电话快速变化的景观,我认为制造商已经错失了一个机会,1000美元的路线。”



该公司也有客户满意度和忠诚率中无与伦比的手机行业,分析师Ben Bajarin说创意策略。



13亿台iphone, ipad和mac电脑使用在世界各地作为潜在的客户为苹果的服务业务,收入达到371亿美元最近的财政年度。





“这是情况的不同在世界其他地方,”Ryan Reith说,项目副总裁IDC的移动设备跟踪程序,值得注意的是,大多数美国消费者不熟悉小米,同僚和体内手机。





股价,点击时的预测,已经扩大跌幅从供应商像日本显示公司利润预警后,英国芯片制造商以Plc和Lumentum Holdings Inc .)的股票现在是11月1日以来收益下跌约8%。

苹果的最新模型,如iPhone XS和iPhone证明XR是受欢迎的富裕经济体的最忠实的球迷。但他们范围高达1449美元的价格,许多消费者在欠发达市场。






在国内,苹果正面临新的挑战中国至少有一个制造商OnePlus,侵入美国公司的传统高定价的领土。虽然iPhone 7' s处理器芯片节拍OnePlus 6 t在某些速度测试,芯片跟踪公司Geekbench OnePlus电话有一个当代设计与显示、薄斜垫面类似于新iPhone模型。

经过多年的可用在美国只能通过在线商店和发展科技爱好者中后,OnePlus 6 t是由t - mobile美国公司商店。

为549美元,它坐落在iPhone 7 8和iPhone的定价。凯尔西藏野驴,总经理北美OnePlus,首日销售额的新模型在美国是86%高于前OnePlus释放,尽管他并没有透露绝对单位数字。他说销量较高,因为t - mobile的关系。


  • 发布于2018年11月15日凌晨08:54坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\nBy Stephen Nellis<\/strong>

SAN FRANCISCO: A raft of profit warnings from Apple Inc suppliers this week has fuelled investor concerns that iPhone sales, in terms of volume, have hit a wall that could spell trouble for the company's plans to make services its main pillar of growth.

For the past year, investors had largely been willing to overlook stagnating unit sales of the iPhone because average selling prices kept rising. But it now faces fierce competition from mid-priced phones from makers such as Xiaomi<\/a> Corp.

Apple has often stated its plan to increase its revenue from paid services, such as
Apple Music<\/a> and iCloud. That, at least in part, requires a growing base of device owners driven by its iPhone, which analysts believe accounts for about two-thirds of the 1.3 billion Apple devices<\/a> in use around the world.

Wall Street analysts have expressed concerns that slower overall smartphone sales will make it harder for Apple to hold smartphone market share as people put off buying its generally more expensive phones. That, in turn, could hurt the growth of Apple's services revenue, said Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi.

Without volume growth in promising overseas markets such as India, Brazil and Russia, the worry among analysts and investors is that Apple has at least parts of its strategy wrong with too much emphasis on its premium brand and the high prices that go with it, more than $1,000 for its top models.

Hal Eddins, chief economist for Apple shareholder Capital Investment Counsel, said phones like the
OnePlus<\/a> 6T are roughly comparable to Apple's high-end phones for almost half the price. \"You can get a lot of phone for a lot less,\" he said. \"The phone landscape is rapidly changing and I think manufacturers are missing a trick by going the $1,000 route.\"

Apple declined to comment on its strategy, or the share moves among its suppliers.

The company's executives have warned investors in the past against fixating on sparse data points from its large supply chain. Apple has for more than a decade insisted that its gadgets should not be judged on their specs alone, an argument that sales data suggests Apple made successfully.

The company also has customer satisfaction and loyalty rates that are unparalleled in the mobile phone industry, said Ben Bajarin, an analyst with Creative Strategies.

Nevertheless, a trio of Chinese smartphone makers - Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo - accounted for roughly a quarter of the
global market<\/a> in the first half of 2018, according to data from research firm IDC, up from just 8.9 percent for all of 2014 and almost 20 percent last year.

With the exception of fiscal 2015, Apple has not increased its market share. It had 13.6 percent of the world market in the first half of this year, down from 14.8 percent for 2014, although its share typically rises with full-year results due to strong sales in December.

The 1.3 billion iPhones, iPads and Macs used around the world serves as the pool of potential customers for Apple's services - a business that hit $37.1 billion in revenue for the most recent fiscal year.

That represented 14 percent of Apple's overall revenue, up from 8.5 percent in fiscal 2015 when iPhone unit sales hit their all-time high.

But IDC expects the global smartphone market to grow only 2.4 percent on a compound basis to 1.6 billion units by 2022, indicating a saturated market in which the Cupertino, California-based firm will be fighting rivals for each customer.

Xiaomi, in particular, is gaining fans rapidly. In India, where Apple has only a minor presence, Xiaomi has in some quarters beat
Samsung<\/a> Electronics Co Ltd to become the country's top phone seller and is also making headway into European markets like Spain, IDC said in a report.

According to data from IDC, Xiaomi was the top smartphone seller in India in the first and second quarters of 2018, with 30.3 percent and 29.7 percent, respectively, of the market for smartphone units there.

\"This is the case where it's much different in other parts of the world,\" said Ryan Reith, program vice president for IDC's mobile device tracking program, noting that most U.S. consumers are not familiar with Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo phones.

\"Many of those brands don't play (in the United States), but they're playing in places where they never played before,\" such as India and Europe, he said.


In its latest earnings this month, Apple shocked investors with a lower-than-expected sales forecast for the holiday shopping quarter and with its announcement that it would stop reporting unit sales for its hardware products as has been customary for the last 20 years.

Underscoring flattening iPhone unit sales, it also said it sold 217.7 million iPhones in its most recent fiscal year, virtually unchanged from the year before and well below a high point of 231.2 million in fiscal 2015.

Its share price, hit at the time of the forecast, has since extended losses after profit warnings from suppliers like Japan Display Inc, British chipmaker IQE Plc and Lumentum Holdings Inc. The stock is now down about 8 percent since its Nov. 1 earnings.

Apple's newest models such as the iPhone XS and iPhone XR are proving popular with its most loyal fans in wealthy economies. But they range up to $1,449 in price - out of reach for many consumers in less developed markets.

Apple's strategy is to lure those consumers to its eco-system with older models at cheaper prices.

It has also emphasized that its phones are designed to last longer than the competition, expanded its repair options and crafted its most recent operating system update to speed up older devices.

But Chinese smartphone makers have been packing their phones with higher-end chips and features like under-the-glass fingerprint sensors that seek to attract consumers who might otherwise give Apple's phones a look.

Those manufacturers are increasingly adopting
Qualcomm<\/a> Inc's most powerful mobile phone chips, said Cristiano Amon, the head of chip operations at the U.S. chipmaker, which is locked in a bitter court dispute with Apple.

Those phones were initially sold in China but \"we've also seen them gaining share outside China, especially in areas such as India and Europe,\" Amon said.

On its home turf, too, Apple is facing new challenges from at least one Chinese maker, OnePlus, which is creeping in to the U.S. firm's traditionally high pricing territory. Though the
iPhone 7<\/a>'s processor chip beats the OnePlus 6T in some speed tests posted by chip tracking firm Geekbench, the OnePlus phone has a contemporary design with thin bezels around the display, similar to newer iPhone models.

After years of being available in the United States only via an online store and developing a following among tech enthusiasts, the OnePlus 6T is being carried by T-Mobile US Inc stores.

At $549, it sits between the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 in terms of pricing. Kyle Kiang, the general manager for North America for OnePlus, said first-day sales of the new model were 86 percent higher in the United States than for the previous OnePlus released there, although he did not disclose absolute unit figures. He said sales were higher because of the T-Mobile relationship.

(Reporting by Stephen Nellis in San Francisco; Editing by Edwina Gibbs, Nick Zieminski and Matthew Lewis)

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":66629118,"title":"EU to curb phone costs, set up emergency alert system","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/eu-to-curb-phone-costs-set-up-emergency-alert-system\/66629118","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":66629162,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Threat from ascendant Chinese phones hangs over Apple","synopsis":"A raft of profit warnings from Apple Inc suppliers this week has fuelled investor concerns that iPhone sales, in terms of volume, have hit a wall that could spell trouble for the company's plans to make services its main pillar of growth.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/threat-from-ascendant-chinese-phones-hangs-over-apple","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"REUTERS","artdate":"2018-11-15 08:54:03","lastupd":"2018-11-15 08:54:03","breadcrumbTags":["iphone 7","Xiaomi","Samsung","Devices","economy of china","global market","Oppo Electronics","oneplus","Apple Music","Qualcomm"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/threat-from-ascendant-chinese-phones-hangs-over-apple"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/threat-from-ascendant-chinese-phones-hangs-over-apple/66629162">