
Tips Industries,谷歌墨水音乐授权协议

音乐唱片公司Tips Industries周四宣布与谷歌新推出的YouTube服务“Shorts”达成音乐授权协议。YouTube Shorts是谷歌最新推出的短视频服务,允许用户、创作者和艺术家创作短视频内容。

Tips Industries,谷歌墨水音乐授权协议


Tips Industries董事长兼董事总经理库马尔·陶拉尼(Kumar Taurani)表示,这次合作将为创作者和用户探索他们的创造力提供可能性。

去年12月,Tips Industries宣布与社交媒体巨头Facebook达成一项全球协议,在Facebook和Instagram上授权其音乐用于视频和其他社交体验。

\"Tips<\/figure>New Delhi: Music record label Tips Industries<\/a> on Thursday announced a music licensing deal<\/a> with Google<\/a>'s new YouTube Service 'Shorts'. YouTube Shorts<\/a> is the latest short-video service offering by Google which allows users, creators and artists to create short video content.

\"As part of this deal, Tips will license its large catalogue to YouTube platform allowing the huge Indian Diaspora across the world to create content inspired its ever popular and superhit music library in diverse Indian languages,\" Tips said in a statement.

Tips Industries chairman and managing director Kumar Taurani said this partnership will open possibilities for creators and users to explore their creativity.