
火车的观点,使企业获得4 g / 5 g谱:IAFI

IAFI进一步欢迎火车的建议将40 mhz频段的3700 mhz - 3800 mhz为私人垄断网络。

火车的观点,使企业获得4 g / 5 g谱:IAFI
新德里:印度电信管理部门(火车)的建议5 g拍卖将使企业规定获得4 g / 5 g频谱直接从电信运营商,或从政府建立和经营自己的俘虏无线专用网络(CWPN)说,印度ITU-APT基金会(IAFI周二)。

IAFI进一步欢迎火车的建议将40 mhz频段的3700 mhz - 3800 mhz为私人垄断网络。


火车也建议电信部(点)将一些频谱在乐队- 3700 - 3800 - mhz, 4800 - 4990兆赫,-29.5和28.5 ghz乐队管理;企业y分配频谱。

塔塔通信、L&T和ITC的提交火车敦促保留专用5 g频谱为私人网络和采用全球实践5 g创建一个私人企业生态系统驱动在印度政府的愿景。

印度最大的电信公司依赖Jio,Bharti Airtel沃达丰的想法(Vi)——尽管,强烈反对这些提议,告诉监管者没有留出5 g频谱为私营企业网络免费或以行政的价格。他们表示,任何此类建议将法律上站不住脚,可能会扰乱电信行业的发展,并导致巨大的全国财政收入损失。

火车斜杠33-36 GHz频段的底价,700 MHz

周一在其436页的建议,印度电信管理局(火车)削减基准利率3.3 -3.67 Ghz airwaves-popularly称为mid-band 5 g频谱317卢比一个单元,从492卢比。它也减少了700 MHz频带的价格3927卢比,希望电信公司给后的价格将会吸引这带宽通过连续两个销售,称高价格。

周一,监管机构在其中心观点,建议削减底价溢价3.3 - -3.67 ghz无线电波的近36%,削减梦寐以求的700 Mhz频段40%的速率,以鼓励电信服务提供商报价在未来5 g电波积极销售。

此外,行业监管机构火车还建议储备价格为800 MHz, 900 MHz、1800 MHz、2100 MHz、2300 MHz、2500 MHz。然而,这些频率,可用于在未来推出5 g服务。


该部门旨在启动5 g糊涂事,8月15日,为纪念75年的印度独立。

The Union Cabinet on September 15, 2021, announced a mega telecom reforms package for the industry comprising nine structural reforms and five procedural reforms with the objective of addressing telecom operators\u2019 liquidity concerns and creating an enabling environment for investment in 5G networks.<\/p>

The package includes a moratorium with interest rates for four years, a change in the definition of contentious Adjusted Gross Revenues (AGR), 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) through automatic route, spectrum sharing, single-window Right of Way (RoW) clearance for tower installation, and digital KYC among others.<\/p>

Of the three major private telcos, Vodafone Idea (Vi) needed immediate relief to sustain its operations and defend its turf from stiff competition posed by rivals Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel.<\/p>

(Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, Minister of Information & Broadcasting Anurag Singh Thakur and Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat during media briefing on Cabinet decisions, at National Media Centre (NMC), in New Delhi)<\/em> <\/p>

PTI Photo by Vijay Verma.
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\"Trai<\/figure>NEW DELHI: The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India<\/a> (Trai)\u2019s recommendations on 5G auctions<\/a> will enable provisions for enterprises to obtain 4G\/5G spectrum directly from telecom operators, or from the government to establish and operate their own captive wireless private networks (CWPN), said ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI<\/a>) on Tuesday.

IAFI has further welcomed Trai\u2019s suggestion to earmark 40MHz of spectrum in 3700MHz-3800MHz for private captive networks.

The Trai in its recommendation released on Monday has provided all options to increase the uptake of CWPNs. The regulator has recommended that telcos can directly deploy private networks by network slicing over their public networks. Additionally, enterprises may ask telcos to set-up their own isolated private network. The enterprises can also obtain the spectrum on lease from telcos and set-up their own CWPN.