It is -2°C outside Truecaller’s headquarters on the snow-streaked road of Kungsgatan in Stockholm. The granite building is hard to miss, with a flag emblazoned with the familiar logo fluttering on a wall. The office on the first floor overlooks one of the city’s oldest classic theatres, Rigoletto, named after an eponymous opera by Italian composer Guiseppi Verdi. It is a picturesque view from Truecaller’s Asia Room, which has a token painting of the Taj Mahal and a figurine of Mahatma Gandhi with the charkha by the window. It’s warm as a mink coat inside, but Alan Mamedi, the app’s cofounder and CEO, is wearing a thin blue sweater. “You think you would get used to Nordic winters after living for 33 years in Sweden, but every year it takes you by surprise,” says Mamedi, a computer science graduate whose app, his fourth and longest running startup, has clocked over 250 million users, 60% of them from India.
\nThe app, which has a current valuation of over Rs 500 crore (as per industry estimates), is developed by the Swedish company True Software Scandinavia, but 90% of its staff doesn’t speak Swedish, says Mamedi. “We are happy if you can speak even broken English as long as you can code. That’s the language everyone prefers here,” he says.

\nIt was in 2009 that he and his friend Nami Zarringhalam developed an application to identify unknown callers pestering them on their phones. “We needed the product ourselves so we just sat down and built everything. It didn’t cost us any money. Once we realised it had taken a life of its own, we resigned from our full-time IT jobs to focus on the app.”
\nIncidentally, Truecaller’s cofounders both have Iranian roots. Mamedi’s Kurdish parents fled Iran in 1984. They first went to Turkey before taking refuge in an immigration camp in northern Sweden. A month later, Mamedi was born. His first encounter with racism as an immigrant’s son happened at the age of seven when his parents had separated and his mother took up a job in a warehouse. “They saw immigrants very differently,” he recalls.
\nMamedi insists on speaking to his daughter and son in Kurdish so that he can pass on the linguistic heirloom to them. And Kurdish and Hindi have similarities, Mamedi exclaims. He realised it over dinner with Shailesh Lakhani and Mohit Bhatnagar, MDs of Sequoia Capital India, who had come to discuss an investment deal with Truecaller in 2013. “They were discussing some numbers between themselves when I heard one of them say hazaar and I said, ‘You mean a thousand?’ For a second they thought I speak Hindi as well,” he recalls.
\nSince India is Truecaller’s biggest market, it enjoys a lot of launches and exclusives. In July 2015, it launched Truemessenger, a caller ID for text messages, in India three months before its global rollout. Last year, the app blocked 300 crore spam messages of which over 5 crore came from a single telecom company from India. Later that year, it launched a transliteration feature that show caller names in Hindi. The feature is now available in 12 Indian languages and has an Arabic version for the Middle East.
\nIt is easy to work with Indian firms, says Mamedi. “Sweden and India have been doing business for a century. Even when our company was unheard of in India, the moment we said we were from Sweden, they would respect and trust us.”
\nIn 2016, Truecaller started brand partnerships and targeted advertising to earn Rs 40 crore in revenue. Over the last two years, it has partnered with several Indian brands. It is a default dialler for some of Micromax’s feature phones. Airtel has a Truecaller Priority plan where companies have the option to whitelist a few numbers that they claim to use only for important communication. Truecaller has partnered with ICICI Bank to enable online payments through the app. Not all these tieups generate revenue though.
\nGoing forward, Truecaller has to find more revenue streams to lower its dependency on inapp advert ising, which accounted for 95% of its revenue. Mamedi is bullish about the adoption of Truecaller Pro — a subscription package that allows an ad-free experience and the option to request for 30 contacts a month. A user can type in a name and ask for that person’s number. The request is shared with the owner of the number for approval before the app shares the contact details. While it was launched in August 2013, the app started promoting it aggressively only in the second half of 2017. Mamedi doesn’t disclose the number of Pro subscribers. “It’s a small percentage of the entire user base but I see a lot of real estate brokers and car sales professionals subscribing to Pro,” he says.
According to analytics company App Annie, Truecaller was the fourth most used app after WhatsApp<\/a>, Facebook and Facebook Messenger, across Android and iOS devices in India last year. The company’s report, however, shows India ranking fairly low on spending on the app. Finding a larger consumer base for Pro is going to be a challenge for Mamedi. Another would be to get his mother to stop using the “Last seen” feature on Truecaller to check why her son is up at 2 am on most nights. The latter would be the easier battle.
\n\n<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":63068314,"title":"Government awaits Idea-Voda tower sale closure for green signal to mega merger: Sources","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/government-awaits-idea-voda-tower-sale-closure-for-green-signal-to-mega-merger-sources\/63068314","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":63068327,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Truecaller cofounder Alan Mamedi's next big challenge: Finding new revenue source in India","synopsis":"According to analytics company App Annie, Truecaller was the fourth most used app after WhatsApp, Facebook and Facebook Messenger, across Android and iOS devices in India last year.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/truecaller-cofounder-alan-mamedis-next-big-challenge-finding-new-revenue-source-in-india","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Shephali Bhatt","author_link":"\/author\/479230465\/shephali-bhatt","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479230465.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479230465,"author_name":"Shephali Bhatt","author_seo_name":"shephali-bhatt","designation":"Tech & Culture Reporter","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2018-02-25 18:44:42","lastupd":"2018-02-25 18:45:03","breadcrumbTags":["Trucaller app","Trucaller unlist","WhatsApp","trucaller india","Sunday ET","trucaller","trucaller revenue"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/truecaller-cofounder-alan-mamedis-next-big-challenge-finding-new-revenue-source-in-india"}}" data-authors="[" shephali bhatt"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2018-02-25" data-index="article_1">


据分析公司应用安妮,Truecaller WhatsApp后第四个最常用的应用程序,Facebook和Facebook Messenger, Android和iOS设备去年在印度。

Shephali Bhatt
  • 2018年2月25日更新是06:45点

外面是2°C Truecaller总部在斯德哥尔摩Kungsgatan snow-streaked路的。花岗岩建筑很难小姐,飘扬着国旗印有熟悉的标志在墙上。办公室在一楼俯瞰这座城市最古老的经典剧场,Rigoletto,命名一个同名的由意大利作曲家Guiseppi威尔第歌剧。Truecaller亚洲房间是一个风景如画的景色,泰姬陵的令牌绘画和雕像的圣雄甘地手纺车的窗口。里面的温暖一件貂皮大衣,但是艾伦•Mamedi应用的共同创始人兼首席执行官,穿着一件薄薄的蓝色毛衣。“你认为你会适应北欧的冬天在瑞典生活了33年,但每年需要你大吃一惊,“Mamedi说计算机科学毕业生的应用,他的第四个和最长的启动运行,达到了2.5亿用户,其中60%来自印度。


2009年,他和他的朋友Nami Zarringhalam开发了一个应用程序来识别未知电话缠着他们的手机。“我们需要产品我们只是坐下来,建造的一切。我们没花任何钱。一旦我们意识到它已经采取了它自己的生命,我们辞去全职工作关注应用程序。”



由于印度Truecaller最大的市场,它具有很多发射和独家新闻。2015年7月,百事公司推出了Truemessenger,短信来电显示,三个月前在印度其全球推出。去年,这个应用程序阻塞300卢比的垃圾短信/ 5卢比的来自一个来自印度的电信公司。同年晚些时候,推出一个音译功能,在北印度语显示来电者的名字。中可用的特性是现在12印度语言和中东的阿拉伯语版本。


2016年,Truecaller开始品牌合作伙伴和有针对性的广告赚40卢比的收入。在过去的两年里,它已经与几个印度品牌。这是一个默认拨号Micromax的一些功能手机。Airtel Truecaller优先计划,公司可以选择白名单几个数字,他们声称只使用重要的沟通。Truecaller已经与ICICI银行合作,使在线支付应用。并不是所有的这些tieups产生收入。

展望未来,Truecaller必须找到更多的收入来源来降低其依赖inapp电视广告,占其收入的95%。Mamedi看好采用Truecaller Pro -一个订阅包,允许一个没有广告的经验和选择请求30接触一个月。用户可以输入一个名称和要求那个人的号码。请求与数量的所有者批准应用股前联系方式。虽然于2013年8月,积极推广应用开始,只有在2017年下半年。Mamedi没有透露Pro用户的数量。“这是整个用户群的一小部分,但是我看到很多房地产经纪人和汽车销售专业人士订阅Pro,”他说。

据分析公司应用安妮,Truecaller后第四个最常用的应用程序WhatsApp、Facebook和Facebook Messenger, Android和iOS设备去年在印度。然而公司的报告显示,印度排名相当低开支的应用。找到一个更大的消费者群体对Mamedi Pro是一个挑战。另一个是让他的母亲停止使用“最后看到”功能在Truecaller检查她的儿子为什么在大多数夜晚2点。后者将更容易的战斗。

  • 发布于2018年2月25日下午06:44坚持

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It is -2°C outside Truecaller’s headquarters on the snow-streaked road of Kungsgatan in Stockholm. The granite building is hard to miss, with a flag emblazoned with the familiar logo fluttering on a wall. The office on the first floor overlooks one of the city’s oldest classic theatres, Rigoletto, named after an eponymous opera by Italian composer Guiseppi Verdi. It is a picturesque view from Truecaller’s Asia Room, which has a token painting of the Taj Mahal and a figurine of Mahatma Gandhi with the charkha by the window. It’s warm as a mink coat inside, but Alan Mamedi, the app’s cofounder and CEO, is wearing a thin blue sweater. “You think you would get used to Nordic winters after living for 33 years in Sweden, but every year it takes you by surprise,” says Mamedi, a computer science graduate whose app, his fourth and longest running startup, has clocked over 250 million users, 60% of them from India.
\nThe app, which has a current valuation of over Rs 500 crore (as per industry estimates), is developed by the Swedish company True Software Scandinavia, but 90% of its staff doesn’t speak Swedish, says Mamedi. “We are happy if you can speak even broken English as long as you can code. That’s the language everyone prefers here,” he says.

\nIt was in 2009 that he and his friend Nami Zarringhalam developed an application to identify unknown callers pestering them on their phones. “We needed the product ourselves so we just sat down and built everything. It didn’t cost us any money. Once we realised it had taken a life of its own, we resigned from our full-time IT jobs to focus on the app.”
\nIncidentally, Truecaller’s cofounders both have Iranian roots. Mamedi’s Kurdish parents fled Iran in 1984. They first went to Turkey before taking refuge in an immigration camp in northern Sweden. A month later, Mamedi was born. His first encounter with racism as an immigrant’s son happened at the age of seven when his parents had separated and his mother took up a job in a warehouse. “They saw immigrants very differently,” he recalls.
\nMamedi insists on speaking to his daughter and son in Kurdish so that he can pass on the linguistic heirloom to them. And Kurdish and Hindi have similarities, Mamedi exclaims. He realised it over dinner with Shailesh Lakhani and Mohit Bhatnagar, MDs of Sequoia Capital India, who had come to discuss an investment deal with Truecaller in 2013. “They were discussing some numbers between themselves when I heard one of them say hazaar and I said, ‘You mean a thousand?’ For a second they thought I speak Hindi as well,” he recalls.
\nSince India is Truecaller’s biggest market, it enjoys a lot of launches and exclusives. In July 2015, it launched Truemessenger, a caller ID for text messages, in India three months before its global rollout. Last year, the app blocked 300 crore spam messages of which over 5 crore came from a single telecom company from India. Later that year, it launched a transliteration feature that show caller names in Hindi. The feature is now available in 12 Indian languages and has an Arabic version for the Middle East.
\nIt is easy to work with Indian firms, says Mamedi. “Sweden and India have been doing business for a century. Even when our company was unheard of in India, the moment we said we were from Sweden, they would respect and trust us.”
\nIn 2016, Truecaller started brand partnerships and targeted advertising to earn Rs 40 crore in revenue. Over the last two years, it has partnered with several Indian brands. It is a default dialler for some of Micromax’s feature phones. Airtel has a Truecaller Priority plan where companies have the option to whitelist a few numbers that they claim to use only for important communication. Truecaller has partnered with ICICI Bank to enable online payments through the app. Not all these tieups generate revenue though.
\nGoing forward, Truecaller has to find more revenue streams to lower its dependency on inapp advert ising, which accounted for 95% of its revenue. Mamedi is bullish about the adoption of Truecaller Pro — a subscription package that allows an ad-free experience and the option to request for 30 contacts a month. A user can type in a name and ask for that person’s number. The request is shared with the owner of the number for approval before the app shares the contact details. While it was launched in August 2013, the app started promoting it aggressively only in the second half of 2017. Mamedi doesn’t disclose the number of Pro subscribers. “It’s a small percentage of the entire user base but I see a lot of real estate brokers and car sales professionals subscribing to Pro,” he says.
According to analytics company App Annie, Truecaller was the fourth most used app after WhatsApp<\/a>, Facebook and Facebook Messenger, across Android and iOS devices in India last year. The company’s report, however, shows India ranking fairly low on spending on the app. Finding a larger consumer base for Pro is going to be a challenge for Mamedi. Another would be to get his mother to stop using the “Last seen” feature on Truecaller to check why her son is up at 2 am on most nights. The latter would be the easier battle.
\n\n<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":63068314,"title":"Government awaits Idea-Voda tower sale closure for green signal to mega merger: Sources","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/government-awaits-idea-voda-tower-sale-closure-for-green-signal-to-mega-merger-sources\/63068314","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":63068327,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Truecaller cofounder Alan Mamedi's next big challenge: Finding new revenue source in India","synopsis":"According to analytics company App Annie, Truecaller was the fourth most used app after WhatsApp, Facebook and Facebook Messenger, across Android and iOS devices in India last year.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/truecaller-cofounder-alan-mamedis-next-big-challenge-finding-new-revenue-source-in-india","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Shephali Bhatt","author_link":"\/author\/479230465\/shephali-bhatt","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479230465.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479230465,"author_name":"Shephali Bhatt","author_seo_name":"shephali-bhatt","designation":"Tech & Culture Reporter","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2018-02-25 18:44:42","lastupd":"2018-02-25 18:45:03","breadcrumbTags":["Trucaller app","Trucaller unlist","WhatsApp","trucaller india","Sunday ET","trucaller","trucaller revenue"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/truecaller-cofounder-alan-mamedis-next-big-challenge-finding-new-revenue-source-in-india"}}" data-news_link="//">