

该公司首席执行官兼联合创始人Umesh Sachdev表示:“我们很高兴Pat和Ravi加入Uniphore的领导团队。”

Uniphore软件系统加强领导团队班加罗尔:常驻演讲识别解决方案公司Uniphore 软件Systems周三发布的一份声明称,公司已任命帕特·帕特比赫拉曼(Pat Pattabhiraman)为核心技术高级副总裁,拉维·康佩拉(Ravi Kompella)为印度业务主管。

该公司首席执行官兼联合创始人Umesh Sachdev在谈到这一任命时表示:“我们很高兴Pat和Ravi加入Uniphore领导团队。他们丰富的经验和理解行业对公司来说是一笔巨大的财富。我期待着与他们合作,因为他们有助于加快我们的合作增长以及行业领导力。”


他还曾在希捷软件公司(现为SAP Canada)工作,在那里他为Crystal Reports构建了一个自然语言接口,并开发了几个主要模块。他是Cyberlaunch的导师,Cyberlaunch是机器学习和信息安全初创公司的领先加速器。

Kompella加入Uniphore之前,他曾在Salesforce India负责企业客户业务。他在客户服务、系统管理和解决方案工程领域拥有20年的经验。他还曾在Oracle、Dell、Dixons Group (UK)、Ingram Micro和Global Telesystems等公司担任销售、预售和IT方面的多个职位。

Uniphore软件系统总部位于印度理工学院马德拉斯研究园,金奈。该公司于2008年在印度钦奈IIT孵化,目前在印度、新加坡和阿联酋设有办事处,约有100名员工分布在各地。其投资者包括Kris Gopalakrishnan、IDG Ventures India、India Angel Network和Yournest Fund。

\"UniphoreBENGALURU: Chennai-based speech<\/a> recognition solutions company Uniphore<\/a> Software<\/a> Systems has appointed Pat Pattabhiraman as senior vice-president, core technology, and Ravi Kompella as the India business head, said a company statement issued on Wednesday.

Speaking on the appointments, Umesh Sachdev, CEO and co-founder of the company, said, \"We are excited to have Pat and Ravi join Uniphore's
leadership<\/a> team. Their vast experience and understanding of the industry<\/a> will be a huge asset to the company. I am looking forward to working with them as they help accelerate our growth<\/a> and industry leadership.\"

Pattabhiraman comes from Conversay and has extensive experience in natural language processing and speech technology; he has led teams of speech engineers and computational
linguists<\/a> in the development of critical components of speech recognition engines in 20 languages, resulting in commercial products deployed in over 8 million devices.