


孟买:沃达丰(Vodafone)Idea呼吁政府允许其支付调整后毛收入(AGR) 15年的会费。该电信公司还要求退税、削减许可费和频谱使用费(SUC),并制定关税下限,以帮助保持生存。

在给电信部、财政部和Niti Ayog的一封信中,这家拥有超过3亿用户的电信公司表示,它需要政府的帮助才能继续经营下去。这封信是在数字通信委员会(DCC)会议的前一天发出的,DCC是交通部的最高决策机构,会议可能会讨论一些措施,为沃达丰Idea等压力重重的电信公司提供缓解。




这家由沃达丰印度公司和Idea Cellular合并而成的运营商警告称,除非AGR费用有所减免,否则将关闭商店。

沃达丰Idea的信还呼吁降低许可费和SUC。电信公司每年支付8%的AGR作为许可费;沃达丰Idea希望将税率降至3%。的行业长期以来一直呼吁减少SUC, SUC的支付是AGR的3-5%。电信公司希望将其降至1%。


Mumbai: Vodafone<\/a> Idea has called on the government to allow it to pay adjusted gross revenue (AGR<\/a>) dues over 15 years. The telecom company has also asked for a tax refund, cuts in licence fees and spectrum usage charges (SUC) and the establishment of a floor for tariffs among measures to help remain viable.

In a letter to the Department of Telecommunications, the finance ministry and Niti Ayog, the telco, which has over 300 million subscribers, said it needs help from the government to stay in business. The letter was sent a day ahead of a meeting of Digital Communications Commission (DCC) \u2013 the highest decision-making body of DoT \u2013 which may discuss some steps on providing relief to stressed telcos such as Vodafone Idea.

In its letter, the operator sought a goods and services tax (GST) refund of Rs 8,000 crore, which can be adjusted against its
AGR dues<\/a>, and the option of paying the remaining amount in a staggered manner \u2014 over 15 years \u2014 after an initial moratorium of three years.