2015 could be one of the most interesting years in Apple<\/a>'s history. It's moving into a whole new world with the Apple Watch, a device that's as much about high fashion as high tech, and with the tablet market showing signs of saturation it needs some bright ideas to reinvigorate iPad<\/a> sales. There are two new operating systems to prepare, an enterprise push to explore and some new musical directions — and there might even be a stylus. Here's what we think (and in a few cases, hope) we'll see from Apple in 2015.
\nApple Watch<\/strong>
\nWe're fascinated by the Apple Watch, especially the one we can't afford. Will rich gold-watch buyers be willing to own a device that may well be obsolete in a year or two? That speedy obsolescence happened with the original iPad, so you'd have been pretty gutted if Apple had persuaded you to spend thousands on a gold one. How Apple handles the obsolescence issue — if it handles it at all — could make or break the Apple Watch as high fashion as well as high tech.
\nWe're also really interested in what developers come up with, because so far there's no obvious killer app for the Apple Watch or any other smartwatch. What they do is interesting and often cool, but there's nothing making us slap our heads and go \"of course! How did we ever manage without it?\" Here's hoping we see it in 2015.
\nA plethora of pixels<\/strong>
The ongoing process of putting Retina displays in everything with an Apple logo on it will continue in 2015. In 2014 it appeared in the
iMac<\/a> with Retina 5K display and we should see them appear in the smaller iMacs and hopefully in a Retina MacBook Air<\/a> too. We know Apple wants to make it, but processor delays have stymied the appearance of a Retina display in its ultraportable laptop. Hopefully 2015's processors will solve that.
\niPad Air 3, iPad mini 4 and iPad Pro \/ Plus<\/strong>
Sales of iPads have slowed, but they might pick up again in 2015 if tablets do indeed have PC-like replacement cycles: the iPads people bought in 2012 will be showing their age this year, especially come the next major
iOS<\/a> update. As ever, Apple will have plenty of new ones for them to buy: updated iPad Airs and minis — the latter still relevant despite the iPhone<\/a> 6 Plus due to its much lower price tag — and maybe the much-rumoured iPad Pro, a bigger-screened iPad for power users.
\nMac Pro 2.0<\/strong>
The reason the 5K Retina display appeared in the iMac rather than as a display for the Mac Pro is bandwidth: the existing DisplayPort technology in the Thunderbolt connector doesn't have enough of it. DisplayPort 1.3 in Thunderbolt 3 does, but it won't appear until
Intel<\/a>'s Skylake processors ship. They're due for a 2015 launch, which raises the possibility of a 5K-capable Mac Pro towards the end of the year.
\nOS X 10.11<\/strong>
\nWe're on an annual upgrade cycle for OS X, so Yosemite's successor should be released in the Autumn. After OS X 10.10's major visual revamp don't expect dramatic differences in how OS X looks or works, but we think the blurring of the lines between OS X and iOS will continue. They'll remain separate beasts but they'll continue to find ways to reach out and touch one another.
\niOS 9<\/strong>
\nHere's another annual update due in the Autumn, and hopefully it'll be less buggy than the first couple of releases of iOS 8. We've got an iOS 9 wish list already that includes a better, more useful Siri, the ability to default to third party apps and hide the stock Apple ones we never use, and better music services. On the subject of which...
\nHD audio and Beats Music<\/strong>
Beats Music is coming to iOS, possibly before iOS 9, and it's likely to be merged with
iTunes<\/a>. Apple may also launch HD music downloads: the most recent iPhones support headphones with Lightning connectors for HD audio, and the Mastered for iTunes programme means Apple already has the necessary masters for HD files.
\niPhone 6S, and maybe an iPhone 6C too<\/strong>
\nApple has established an iPhone rhythm in recent years, and that rhythm involves a major redesign every second year and a minor spec bump, usually with an exciting new feature, in between. 2015's a 'tweener year, so we'd expect to see a minor update to the iPhone 6 in the form of an iPhone 6S, and it's possible that HD music and a Home app for HomeKit might be the sales pitch this time around. We're also hearing persistent rumours of a new 4-inch iPhone for 2015 too. Could an iPhone 6C for developing markets be on the cards?
\nA big enterprise push<\/strong>
MobileFirst for iOS apps, the first fruits of
IBM<\/a>'s partnership with Apple to push iPads into the enterprise, look great, but the ball is just starting to role. Enterprise is an area of great opportunity for Apple, and having IBM on the same team makes for a very powerful partnership. iOS was doing pretty well in business already, but that's small potatoes compared to what the Apple\/IBM push might achieve in 2015 and beyond.
Apple TV<\/a> — the box, not the set<\/strong>
We're still not convinced that an Apple TV set is worth the bother — making
TVs<\/a> is a crap business with crap margins — but the 'hobby' is desperately overdue a refresh. We already know that Apple may be positioning it as a HomeKit hub for connected home devices<\/a>, because the code is in its latest operating system update, and we hope the long-rumoured App Store for Apple TV is imminent too. The market for media streamers is getting awfully crowded, and the rivals are awfully good.
\nA stylus<\/strong>
We know, we know, Steve said \"if you see a stylus they blew it.\" But
Steve Jobs<\/a> was very good at wrong-footing everybody and making them think he meant \"never, ever\" when he actually meant \"not now.\" Remember his dismissal of video on iPods? Of native iPhone apps? Of seven-inch tablets? Apple has been quietly patenting smart pen ideas for a few years now, with two more added recently. Maybe it's for the iPad Pro \/ Plus.
\nWill Apple start tweeting? According to Fast Company, it's advertising for a 'social media expert' in LA, and it's already hired Musa Tariq, who previously led social media for Nike and Burberry. Could tech's most secretive company start getting chatty in 2015?
\nYou can take this prediction to the bank any year you like: no matter what Apple does this year, almost everything it does will spark dire predictions from the doom-mongers. All together now: doooooooooom!
\nFollow TOI Tech on Twitter >>>
@toi_tech<\/a>\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":45727527,"title":"Is Xiaomi's first laptop a MacBook Air knock-off?","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/devices\/is-xiaomis-first-laptop-a-macbook-air-knock-off\/45727527","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"devices"}],"related_content":[],"msid":45727664,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"What to expect from Apple in 2015","synopsis":"2015 could be one of the most interesting years in Apple's history.","titleseo":"devices\/what-to-expect-from-apple-in-2015","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"Techradar","artdate":"2015-01-02 13:11:58","lastupd":"2015-01-02 13:14:56","breadcrumbTags":["Devices","IBM","iPhone","Steve Jobs","Apple","Intel","imac","TVS","IOS","itunes","iPad","Apple TV","Macbook","MacBook Air"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"devices\/what-to-expect-from-apple-in-2015"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="Devices" data-category_id="12" data-date="2015-01-02" data-index="article_1">



  • 更新2015年1月2日下午01:14坚持




我们也真正感兴趣的开发人员想出什么,因为到目前为止,没有明显的杀手级应用的苹果看或任何其他smartwatch。他们所做的事情很有趣,常常很酷,但没有什么让我们打我们的头,“当然!我们是怎么管理没有它呢?”Here's hoping we see it in 2015.


视网膜的持续的过程显示在所有苹果标志将在2015年继续。2014年,它的出现iMac与视网膜5 k显示,我们应该看到他们出现在较小的imac和希望在视网膜MacBook Air了。我们知道苹果想让它,但是处理器延迟有阻碍的出现视网膜显示屏的超便携笔记本电脑。希望2015的处理器将解决。

空气3,iPad迷你4和iPad Pro / +

ipad的销售放缓,但他们可能会在2015年再次拿起如果平板电脑确实有类似电脑更换周期:2012年人们购买的ipad今年将会展示他们的年龄,尤其是第二专业iOS更新。像往常一样,苹果将有足够的为他们购买新的:最新的iPad播出和微型计算机——后者仍然相关,尽管iPhone6 +由于其低得多的价格——也许much-rumoured iPad Pro, bigger-screened iPad用户。

Mac Pro 2.0

5 k视网膜显示屏的原因出现在iMac而不是显示Mac Pro的带宽:现有的显示接口技术在雷电连接器没有足够的。在雷电3显示端口1.3,但它才出现英特尔船的Skylake处理器。他们于2015年启动,这就带来了一种可能,5 k-capable Mac Pro到今年年底。

OS X 10.11

我们每年升级周期为OS X,所以约塞米蒂的继任者应该在秋季发布。OS X 10.10的主要视觉改造后不要指望戏剧性的差异在OS X看起来或者是如何工作的,但我们认为之间的界线模糊的OS X和iOS将继续下去。他们会保持独立的野兽,但他们将继续寻找彼此接触和触摸。

iOS 9

这是另一个年度更新将在秋天,车,希望它会少于第一夫妇的版本iOS 8。我们有一个iOS 9愿望清单已经包括一个更好、更有用的Siri,默认的第三方应用程序和隐藏的能力苹果股票的我们从未使用,和更好的音乐服务。在这个问题上的…


节拍音乐是iOS,可能在iOS 9日之前,它可能会被合并iTunes。苹果还可能推出高清音乐下载:最新的iphone支持HD音频耳机以闪电般的连接器,和iTunes的掌握项目意味着苹果高清文件已经有必要的大师。

iPhone 6 s,也许一个iPhone 6 c

近年来,苹果公司已经建立了一个iPhone的节奏,节奏是一个主要设计规范每隔一年和一个小肿块,通常有一个令人兴奋的新功能,在两者之间。2015是一个中间人,我们期待看到一个小更新iPhone 6 iPhone 6 s的形式,并有可能高清音乐和家庭应用HomeKit可能是推销。我们也听到谣言四起的新iPhone 4英寸为2015。发展中市场的iPhone 6 c可以在卡片吗?


MobileFirst iOS应用程序,第一个的果实IBM的与苹果ipad推到企业合作,看起来不错,但球只是开始作用。企业为苹果是一个很好的机会的领域,IBM在同一个团队是一个非常强大的伙伴关系。iOS在业务已经做得很好,但这是小土豆相比苹果/ IBM将可能达到2015年及以后。


我们仍然不相信苹果的麻烦——使电视机是值得的电视是一个与废话废话业务利润率——但“爱好”是迫切逾期刷新。我们已经知道,苹果可能将它定位为HomeKit中心连接设备,因为代码是在其最新的操作系统更新,我们希望苹果电视的App Store庆生也迫在眉睫。媒体市场飘带变得非常拥挤,和竞争对手都非常好。


我们知道,我们知道,史蒂夫说:“如果你看到一个手写笔他们搞砸了。”But史蒂夫•乔布斯很擅长麻烦大家,他们认为他的意思是“永远不会”当他实际上意味着“不是现在。”Remember his dismissal of video on iPods? Of native iPhone apps? Of seven-inch tablets? Apple has been quietly patenting smart pen ideas for a few years now, with two more added recently. Maybe it's for the iPad Pro / Plus.




你可以借此预测银行任何你喜欢的:不管什么苹果,今年做的几乎每件事,都将引发可怕的预言的末日预言者。现在在一起:doooooooooom !

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  • 发表在2015年1月2日01:11点坚持

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2015 could be one of the most interesting years in Apple<\/a>'s history. It's moving into a whole new world with the Apple Watch, a device that's as much about high fashion as high tech, and with the tablet market showing signs of saturation it needs some bright ideas to reinvigorate iPad<\/a> sales. There are two new operating systems to prepare, an enterprise push to explore and some new musical directions — and there might even be a stylus. Here's what we think (and in a few cases, hope) we'll see from Apple in 2015.
\nApple Watch<\/strong>
\nWe're fascinated by the Apple Watch, especially the one we can't afford. Will rich gold-watch buyers be willing to own a device that may well be obsolete in a year or two? That speedy obsolescence happened with the original iPad, so you'd have been pretty gutted if Apple had persuaded you to spend thousands on a gold one. How Apple handles the obsolescence issue — if it handles it at all — could make or break the Apple Watch as high fashion as well as high tech.
\nWe're also really interested in what developers come up with, because so far there's no obvious killer app for the Apple Watch or any other smartwatch. What they do is interesting and often cool, but there's nothing making us slap our heads and go \"of course! How did we ever manage without it?\" Here's hoping we see it in 2015.
\nA plethora of pixels<\/strong>
The ongoing process of putting Retina displays in everything with an Apple logo on it will continue in 2015. In 2014 it appeared in the
iMac<\/a> with Retina 5K display and we should see them appear in the smaller iMacs and hopefully in a Retina MacBook Air<\/a> too. We know Apple wants to make it, but processor delays have stymied the appearance of a Retina display in its ultraportable laptop. Hopefully 2015's processors will solve that.
\niPad Air 3, iPad mini 4 and iPad Pro \/ Plus<\/strong>
Sales of iPads have slowed, but they might pick up again in 2015 if tablets do indeed have PC-like replacement cycles: the iPads people bought in 2012 will be showing their age this year, especially come the next major
iOS<\/a> update. As ever, Apple will have plenty of new ones for them to buy: updated iPad Airs and minis — the latter still relevant despite the iPhone<\/a> 6 Plus due to its much lower price tag — and maybe the much-rumoured iPad Pro, a bigger-screened iPad for power users.
\nMac Pro 2.0<\/strong>
The reason the 5K Retina display appeared in the iMac rather than as a display for the Mac Pro is bandwidth: the existing DisplayPort technology in the Thunderbolt connector doesn't have enough of it. DisplayPort 1.3 in Thunderbolt 3 does, but it won't appear until
Intel<\/a>'s Skylake processors ship. They're due for a 2015 launch, which raises the possibility of a 5K-capable Mac Pro towards the end of the year.
\nOS X 10.11<\/strong>
\nWe're on an annual upgrade cycle for OS X, so Yosemite's successor should be released in the Autumn. After OS X 10.10's major visual revamp don't expect dramatic differences in how OS X looks or works, but we think the blurring of the lines between OS X and iOS will continue. They'll remain separate beasts but they'll continue to find ways to reach out and touch one another.
\niOS 9<\/strong>
\nHere's another annual update due in the Autumn, and hopefully it'll be less buggy than the first couple of releases of iOS 8. We've got an iOS 9 wish list already that includes a better, more useful Siri, the ability to default to third party apps and hide the stock Apple ones we never use, and better music services. On the subject of which...
\nHD audio and Beats Music<\/strong>
Beats Music is coming to iOS, possibly before iOS 9, and it's likely to be merged with
iTunes<\/a>. Apple may also launch HD music downloads: the most recent iPhones support headphones with Lightning connectors for HD audio, and the Mastered for iTunes programme means Apple already has the necessary masters for HD files.
\niPhone 6S, and maybe an iPhone 6C too<\/strong>
\nApple has established an iPhone rhythm in recent years, and that rhythm involves a major redesign every second year and a minor spec bump, usually with an exciting new feature, in between. 2015's a 'tweener year, so we'd expect to see a minor update to the iPhone 6 in the form of an iPhone 6S, and it's possible that HD music and a Home app for HomeKit might be the sales pitch this time around. We're also hearing persistent rumours of a new 4-inch iPhone for 2015 too. Could an iPhone 6C for developing markets be on the cards?
\nA big enterprise push<\/strong>
MobileFirst for iOS apps, the first fruits of
IBM<\/a>'s partnership with Apple to push iPads into the enterprise, look great, but the ball is just starting to role. Enterprise is an area of great opportunity for Apple, and having IBM on the same team makes for a very powerful partnership. iOS was doing pretty well in business already, but that's small potatoes compared to what the Apple\/IBM push might achieve in 2015 and beyond.
Apple TV<\/a> — the box, not the set<\/strong>
We're still not convinced that an Apple TV set is worth the bother — making
TVs<\/a> is a crap business with crap margins — but the 'hobby' is desperately overdue a refresh. We already know that Apple may be positioning it as a HomeKit hub for connected home devices<\/a>, because the code is in its latest operating system update, and we hope the long-rumoured App Store for Apple TV is imminent too. The market for media streamers is getting awfully crowded, and the rivals are awfully good.
\nA stylus<\/strong>
We know, we know, Steve said \"if you see a stylus they blew it.\" But
Steve Jobs<\/a> was very good at wrong-footing everybody and making them think he meant \"never, ever\" when he actually meant \"not now.\" Remember his dismissal of video on iPods? Of native iPhone apps? Of seven-inch tablets? Apple has been quietly patenting smart pen ideas for a few years now, with two more added recently. Maybe it's for the iPad Pro \/ Plus.
\nWill Apple start tweeting? According to Fast Company, it's advertising for a 'social media expert' in LA, and it's already hired Musa Tariq, who previously led social media for Nike and Burberry. Could tech's most secretive company start getting chatty in 2015?
\nYou can take this prediction to the bank any year you like: no matter what Apple does this year, almost everything it does will spark dire predictions from the doom-mongers. All together now: doooooooooom!
\nFollow TOI Tech on Twitter >>>
@toi_tech<\/a>\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":45727527,"title":"Is Xiaomi's first laptop a MacBook Air knock-off?","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/devices\/is-xiaomis-first-laptop-a-macbook-air-knock-off\/45727527","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"devices"}],"related_content":[],"msid":45727664,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"What to expect from Apple in 2015","synopsis":"2015 could be one of the most interesting years in Apple's history.","titleseo":"devices\/what-to-expect-from-apple-in-2015","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"Techradar","artdate":"2015-01-02 13:11:58","lastupd":"2015-01-02 13:14:56","breadcrumbTags":["Devices","IBM","iPhone","Steve Jobs","Apple","Intel","imac","TVS","IOS","itunes","iPad","Apple TV","Macbook","MacBook Air"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"devices\/what-to-expect-from-apple-in-2015"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/devices/what-to-expect-from-apple-in-2015/45727664">