
WhatsApp Pay将在5月前遵守印度的所有规定

由于对WhatsApp在印度的数据存储政策以及与母公司共享数据的担忧,WhatsApp Pay的全面推出已经两年多没有获得批准。今年2月,一项允许WhatsApp Pay在试点项目中将用户数量从100万增加到1000万的计划未能实施。


的全面推出WhatsApp支付由于对其数据存储政策的担忧,已超过两年未获批准印度和它的父实体过度共享这些数据。今年2月,一项允许WhatsApp Pay在试点项目中将用户数量从100万增加到1000万的计划未能实施。




11月,印度储备银行向最高法院表示,它已指示NPCI不允许WhatsApp Pay推出,因为该公司没有完全遵守银行业监管机构为支付公司制定的数据本地化规范。

今年2月,智库问责和系统变革中心(CASC)向最高法院提交了一份申请,要求停止WhatsApp Pay基于upi的支付试点服务,并计划将其用户增加到1000万,理由是该公司不符合印度储备银行的标准。CASC的律师Virag Gupta告诉印度经济时报,“WhatsApp支付服务违反了印度储备银行的数据本地化规范,正在秘密地继续测试其支付系统,并进一步推广给更多的客户,尽管印度储备银行向最高法院提交了不利的报告。”

New Delhi: WhatsApp<\/a>\u2019s payment business will comply with all local rules mandated by the banking regulator for payment companies by May, the Facebook-owned instant messaging platform has told the National Payments Corporation of India<\/a> (NPCI<\/a>), ET has learnt from people familiar with the development.

A full-fledged rollout of
WhatsApp Pay<\/a> has not been approved for over two years due to concerns over its data storage policy in India<\/a> and over sharing of that data with its parent entity. In February, a plan to allow WhatsApp Pay to increase the number of users in a pilot project, from 1 million to 10 million, did not take off.

\u201cIt was decided to allow WhatsApp for a partial rollout, but permission was not granted. NPCI just wanted to play it safe since a court case is still on and it wants to give the approval only after Whatsapp has met all the criteria and the Court\u2019s permission,\u201d an official, familiar with the details, told ET, requesting not to be named.