NEW DELHI: Apple<\/a> will unveil its long-rumoured iPhone SE<\/a> tonight, launching a new handset with 4-inch display after a gap of nearly two and a half years. It is also the first time that Apple is unveiling an iPhone<\/a> in the middle of its usual iPhone launch cycles, i.e. between iPhone 6S<\/a> and 7.

\n\n\tDue to these two reasons (the smaller screen and the mid-year launch), many see iPhone SE as a damage control measure for Apple, whose iPhone sales growth hit an all-time low last quarter.\n

\n\n\tAnd to bolster sales, Apple has been looking towards emerging markets like India & China for long, though its sales in China recently hit a wall while those in India continue to grow. So it will come as no surprise if iPhone SE is a smartphone tailor-made for the Indian market.\n

\n\n\tA look at the rumoured features of iPhone SE shows that the smartphone will be no slouch. Among the features prospective buyers can expect from iPhone SE include: the A9 processor that powers the flagship iPhone 6S, Touch ID fingerprint sensor, support for Apple Pay and Live Photos, 16GB base storage and 12MP camera resolution with iPhone 6-like quality.\n

\n\n\tHowever, these features make iPhone SE seem like old wine in new bottle. Moreover, it will not have 3D Touch, the headlining feature of iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S.\n

\n\n\tSo, the success of iPhone SE depends on the one remaining factor: the price.\n

\n\n\tMing-Chi Kuo, the KGI Securities analyst who is considered to be the most well-informed man on Apple outside the company, said in a research note that the company will price it at $450. This roughly translates to Rs 30,000 in India ($1 = Rs 66.5). Add the other levies and taxes and the price is expected to be around Rs 35,000 in India for the base model of iPhone SE.\n

\n\n\tAnd the price is as big a challenge for iPhone SE as it is an opportunity.\n

\n\n\tThe challenges\n

There are two factors to look at here: competition from iPhones and competition Android

On e-commerce websites in India,
iPhone 6<\/a> (launched in 2014) is available for less than Rs 32,000. Similarly, iPhone 6S (the current flagship) costs a little over Rs 40,000. Both models have 4.7-inch screens and 16GB storage.

\n\n\tIf iPhone SE is indeed launched at Rs 35,000, it will be in direct competition with its big-screen siblings with the same storage capacities. Therefore, buyers would have the option to go for the flagship model for just Rs 5,000 more and get the same or better features compared to iPhone SE. Or they can choose to save a thousand rupees and get iPhone 6, which is still good enough for most purposes.\n

\n\n\tREAD ALSO:\n\n\tFind out which iPhone is right for you\n

\n\n\tIn such a scenario, Apple would need an ace up its sleeve if it wants to push iPhone SE’s sales in India, namely a feature that neither iPhone 6S nor 6 have. Or a really aggressive pricing strategy.\n

\n\n\tComing to competition from Android devices, there are a number of smartphones powered by Android that Indian buyers can choose from today at Rs 35,000. These include Samsung Galaxy S6, Google Nexus 6P and Sony Xperia Z5. All smartphones at this price point feature powerful hardware, smooth UI and screens much bigger than iPhone SE’s.\n

\n\n\tiPhone SE with its 4-inch screen may find the going tough in the face of these powerful phablets, especially since Indian buyers are used to large-screen smartphones even though their popularity is a relatively new phenomenon in the west. For an Indian buyer, shelling out Rs 35,000 for a smartphone with 4-inch screen may not be an attractive idea.\n

\n\n\tThe opportunity\n

\n\n\tHowever, despite the tough competition, the opportunity is huge too for Apple. The biggest factor in favour of Apple is the insatiable appetite of Indian buyers for the company’s products. An evidence of this is the recent IDC report that says Apple has sailed past Xiaomi to emerge as the sixth-biggest smartphone vendor in India.\n

\n\n\tIt is important to note that Xiaomi is present in the low- and mid-end segment (between Rs 6,000 and Rs 20,000) of the market, while Apple smartphones are available for Rs 20,000 and above. Moreover, smartphone buyers in India are concentrated more towards the low end of the market (under Rs 10,000) than the mid- and high-end segments.\n

\n\n\tTherefore, pricing will decide the fate of iPhone SE in the Indian market. A wrong pricing strategy can end with the smartphone becoming a failure (which happened with iPhone 5C in 2013), while pricing it too low may end up diluting the brand, something the company has never done in its history.\n<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":51498842,"title":"Buoyed by 4G, share prices of media companies soar","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/buoyed-by-4g-share-prices-of-media-companies-soar\/51498842","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":51499799,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Why India may prove to be a tough market for Apple\u2019s iPhone SE","synopsis":"While the upcoming iPhone SE faces tough competition from Android phablets as well as its own siblings iPhone 6 and 6S, the upcoming Apple smartphone may find many takers if the company gets the pricing right.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/why-india-may-prove-to-be-a-tough-market-for-apples-iphone-se","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Ravi Sharma","author_link":"\/author\/6467\/ravi-sharma","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/6467.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":6467,"author_name":"Ravi Sharma","author_seo_name":"Ravi-Sharma","designation":"Copy Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TOI Tech","artdate":"2016-03-21 21:44:57","lastupd":"2016-03-21 21:49:18","breadcrumbTags":["iPhone","Apple","Apple India","Devices","iPhone 5S","iPhone 6","iPhone 6S","iPhone SE","iPhone SE in India"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/why-india-may-prove-to-be-a-tough-market-for-apples-iphone-se"}}" data-authors="[" ravi sharma"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2016-03-21" data-index="article_1">

为什么印度可能是苹果的iPhone SE艰难的市场吗

在即将到来的iPhone SE面临着激烈的竞争从Android phablets以及自己的兄弟姐妹iPhone 6和6 s,即将到来的苹果智能手机可能会发现许多人如果公司得到正确的定价。

  • 更新2016年3月21日09:49点坚持

新德里消息:苹果将推出其庆生iPhone SE今晚,推出一个新的手机4英寸显示后近两年半。这也是第一次苹果也将揭幕iPhone在其iPhone发布周期,即之间iPhone 6 s和7。


和支持销售,苹果已经对印度和中国这样的新兴市场寻找长,虽然在中国的销量最近在印度碰壁而继续增长。所以它将不足为奇如果iPhone SE是印度市场的智能手机定制。

看看iPhone SE的传言特性表明,智能手机将不会无精打采。特性之间的潜在买家可以从iPhone SE包括:A9处理器,旗舰iPhone 6 s,触摸ID指纹传感器,支持苹果的工资和生活照片,存储和16 gb基地12 mp摄像头分辨率与iPhone 6的质量。

然而,这些特性使iPhone SE似乎在新瓶旧酒。此外,它将没有3 d, iPhone 6 s的顶蓬特征和iPhone 6 s。

所以,iPhone SE的成功取决于剩下的一个因素:价格。

Ming-Chi郭,凯基证券分析师认为是最熟悉的人是谁在苹果以外的公司,在一份研究报告中表示,该公司将价格为450美元。这在印度大约相当于30000卢比(1美元= 66.5卢比)。添加其他税和税收和价格预计将大约35000卢比在印度iPhone SE的基本模型。

价格是一样大的一个挑战iPhone SE是一个机会。



在电子商务的网站在印度,iPhone 6(2014年发射的)可供不到32000卢比。同样,iPhone 6 s(当前旗舰)成本略高于40000卢比。两种模型有4.7英寸的屏幕和16 gb的存储。

如果iPhone SE确实在Rs 35000年推出,这将是直接竞争的大屏幕兄弟姐妹有相同的存储能力。因此,买家可以选择会旗舰车型的Rs 5000越来越得到相同或更好的特性相比,iPhone。或者他们可以选择保存一千卢比,iPhone 6,仍然是足够好的对于大多数用途。


在这种情况下,苹果需要一个王牌如果它想把iPhone SE的销售在印度,即功能,iPhone 6 s和6都没有。或一个非常激进的定价策略。

竞争来自Android设备,采用Android操作系统的智能手机的有很多,印度买家可以选择从今天在Rs 35000。其中包括三星Galaxy S6,谷歌Nexus 6 p和索尼Xperia Z5。所有在这个价格点功能强大的智能手机硬件,光滑比iPhone SE的UI和屏幕更大。

iPhone SE的4英寸屏幕可能会发现要艰难的面对这些强大的phablets,尤其是印度买家使用大屏幕智能手机尽管他们流行在西方是一个相对较新的现象。对于印度买家,炮击Rs 35000智能手机4英寸屏幕可能不是一个有吸引力的想法。



需要注意的是,小米在低收入和中端市场(Rs 6000至20000卢比)的市场,而苹果智能手机可用于Rs 20000及以上。此外,智能手机买家在印度集中更多的向低端市场(在Rs 10000)比中期和高端领域。

因此,定价将iPhone SE的命运决定在印度市场。错误的定价策略可以用智能手机最终成为一个失败(这发生在2013年iPhone 5 c),而定价过低可能会稀释品牌,公司历史上从未做过的事情。

  • 发布于2016年3月21日09:44点坚持

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NEW DELHI: Apple<\/a> will unveil its long-rumoured iPhone SE<\/a> tonight, launching a new handset with 4-inch display after a gap of nearly two and a half years. It is also the first time that Apple is unveiling an iPhone<\/a> in the middle of its usual iPhone launch cycles, i.e. between iPhone 6S<\/a> and 7.

\n\n\tDue to these two reasons (the smaller screen and the mid-year launch), many see iPhone SE as a damage control measure for Apple, whose iPhone sales growth hit an all-time low last quarter.\n

\n\n\tAnd to bolster sales, Apple has been looking towards emerging markets like India & China for long, though its sales in China recently hit a wall while those in India continue to grow. So it will come as no surprise if iPhone SE is a smartphone tailor-made for the Indian market.\n

\n\n\tA look at the rumoured features of iPhone SE shows that the smartphone will be no slouch. Among the features prospective buyers can expect from iPhone SE include: the A9 processor that powers the flagship iPhone 6S, Touch ID fingerprint sensor, support for Apple Pay and Live Photos, 16GB base storage and 12MP camera resolution with iPhone 6-like quality.\n

\n\n\tHowever, these features make iPhone SE seem like old wine in new bottle. Moreover, it will not have 3D Touch, the headlining feature of iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S.\n

\n\n\tSo, the success of iPhone SE depends on the one remaining factor: the price.\n

\n\n\tMing-Chi Kuo, the KGI Securities analyst who is considered to be the most well-informed man on Apple outside the company, said in a research note that the company will price it at $450. This roughly translates to Rs 30,000 in India ($1 = Rs 66.5). Add the other levies and taxes and the price is expected to be around Rs 35,000 in India for the base model of iPhone SE.\n

\n\n\tAnd the price is as big a challenge for iPhone SE as it is an opportunity.\n

\n\n\tThe challenges\n

There are two factors to look at here: competition from iPhones and competition Android

On e-commerce websites in India,
iPhone 6<\/a> (launched in 2014) is available for less than Rs 32,000. Similarly, iPhone 6S (the current flagship) costs a little over Rs 40,000. Both models have 4.7-inch screens and 16GB storage.

\n\n\tIf iPhone SE is indeed launched at Rs 35,000, it will be in direct competition with its big-screen siblings with the same storage capacities. Therefore, buyers would have the option to go for the flagship model for just Rs 5,000 more and get the same or better features compared to iPhone SE. Or they can choose to save a thousand rupees and get iPhone 6, which is still good enough for most purposes.\n

\n\n\tREAD ALSO:\n\n\tFind out which iPhone is right for you\n

\n\n\tIn such a scenario, Apple would need an ace up its sleeve if it wants to push iPhone SE’s sales in India, namely a feature that neither iPhone 6S nor 6 have. Or a really aggressive pricing strategy.\n

\n\n\tComing to competition from Android devices, there are a number of smartphones powered by Android that Indian buyers can choose from today at Rs 35,000. These include Samsung Galaxy S6, Google Nexus 6P and Sony Xperia Z5. All smartphones at this price point feature powerful hardware, smooth UI and screens much bigger than iPhone SE’s.\n

\n\n\tiPhone SE with its 4-inch screen may find the going tough in the face of these powerful phablets, especially since Indian buyers are used to large-screen smartphones even though their popularity is a relatively new phenomenon in the west. For an Indian buyer, shelling out Rs 35,000 for a smartphone with 4-inch screen may not be an attractive idea.\n

\n\n\tThe opportunity\n

\n\n\tHowever, despite the tough competition, the opportunity is huge too for Apple. The biggest factor in favour of Apple is the insatiable appetite of Indian buyers for the company’s products. An evidence of this is the recent IDC report that says Apple has sailed past Xiaomi to emerge as the sixth-biggest smartphone vendor in India.\n

\n\n\tIt is important to note that Xiaomi is present in the low- and mid-end segment (between Rs 6,000 and Rs 20,000) of the market, while Apple smartphones are available for Rs 20,000 and above. Moreover, smartphone buyers in India are concentrated more towards the low end of the market (under Rs 10,000) than the mid- and high-end segments.\n

\n\n\tTherefore, pricing will decide the fate of iPhone SE in the Indian market. A wrong pricing strategy can end with the smartphone becoming a failure (which happened with iPhone 5C in 2013), while pricing it too low may end up diluting the brand, something the company has never done in its history.\n<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":51498842,"title":"Buoyed by 4G, share prices of media companies soar","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/buoyed-by-4g-share-prices-of-media-companies-soar\/51498842","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":51499799,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Why India may prove to be a tough market for Apple\u2019s iPhone SE","synopsis":"While the upcoming iPhone SE faces tough competition from Android phablets as well as its own siblings iPhone 6 and 6S, the upcoming Apple smartphone may find many takers if the company gets the pricing right.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/why-india-may-prove-to-be-a-tough-market-for-apples-iphone-se","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Ravi Sharma","author_link":"\/author\/6467\/ravi-sharma","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/6467.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":6467,"author_name":"Ravi Sharma","author_seo_name":"Ravi-Sharma","designation":"Copy Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TOI Tech","artdate":"2016-03-21 21:44:57","lastupd":"2016-03-21 21:49:18","breadcrumbTags":["iPhone","Apple","Apple India","Devices","iPhone 5S","iPhone 6","iPhone 6S","iPhone SE","iPhone SE in India"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/why-india-may-prove-to-be-a-tough-market-for-apples-iphone-se"}}" data-news_link="//">