
有了Aarogya Setu,我们可以在它变成热点之前找到一个地方:Abhishek Singh

领导卫生部接触者追踪工作的政府组织MyGov和数字印度公司首席执行官Abhishek Singh说:“接触者追踪已成为Covid-19大流行管理的关键组成部分之一。”

有了Aarogya Setu,我们可以在它变成热点之前找到一个地方:Abhishek Singh

接触者追踪已经成为?的关键组成部分之一新型冠状病毒肺炎流行的管理。在ET的采访中,辛格的阿布, CEOMyGov而且数字印度领导卫生部接触者追踪工作的政府组织公司(Corporation)讨论了人工智能工具和数据科学等努力如何发挥作用Aarogya是以帮助当局。编辑摘录:


数据科学和人工智能有助于识别热点,或者新兴热点在哪里。例如,Aarogya Setu帮助我们进行基于蓝牙的联系人跟踪和基于位置的热点识别。它绘制了在Covid-19检测呈阳性之前的最后两周内感染者的位置。





你能举例说明Arogya Setu在哪里以及如何提供帮助吗?



Contact tracing<\/a> has emerged as one of the key components of Covid-19<\/a> pandemic management. In an interview with ET, Abhishek Singh<\/a>, CEO of MyGov<\/a> and Digital India<\/a> Corporation, a government organisation leading the health ministry\u2019s contact tracing efforts, discussed how artificial intelligence tools and data science efforts such as Aarogya Setu<\/a> helped authorities. Edited excerpts:

How have AI and data science helped in Covid-19 pandemic preparedness?
Data science and AI have helped in identifying the hotspots, or where the emerging hotspots are. For instance, Aarogya Setu helps us in Bluetooth based contact tracing and location based identification of hotspots. It maps (the locations) of an infected person in the last two weeks before testing positive for Covid-19.

So, based on the number of hours these people spent at a particular location, we are able to detect hotspots and areas which are more likely to have cases in the next few days. So that\u2019s why prediction of hotspots becomes much easier, which normally is done when you say x number of cases coming up.