
变焦将推出一个本地应用程序运行在苹果的macbook M1硅


华盛顿:视频会议应用程序变焦将推出一个本地版本的应用程序苹果崭新的M1 mac。

根据Mashable,需要澄清的是,变焦一直在M1 Mac和可用macbook但只有间接。macOS应用开发基于英特尔处理器的mac电脑上,但它可以运行在苹果通过罗塞塔翻译后硅M1。的更新将会在12月21日,一个新的“本地”版本的变焦将用于新一代的苹果电脑。

本机的全部好处M1缩放应用程序可能不是那么明显。它可以跑得更快,尽管没有报道迟缓的x86 M1 mac的应用程序。事实上,应用程序的性能值得称道,耗尽电池只有在喝每小时使用。原生M1版本将进一步减少用电。


Washington: Video conferencing application Zoom<\/a> is set to roll out a native version of its app for Apple<\/a>'s shiny new M1 Macs.

According to Mashable, to be clear, Zoom has long been available on the M1 Mac and
MacBooks<\/a> but only indirectly. The macOS app was developed for Intel-based Macs but it can run on Apple Silicon M1 via the Rosetta translation later. In an update that will come on December 21, a new \"native\" version of Zoom will be available for this new generation of Apple computers.

The full benefits of a native M1 Zoom app might not exactly be that discernible. It could run faster, though there have been no reports of the sluggishness of the x86 app on M1 Macs. In fact, the performance of the app has been commendable, draining the battery only in sips per hour of use. A native M1 version would reduce power usage even further.